Saturday, April 16, 2011

Nature's Remedies - Gall Bladder Flush

A few weeks ago I was relaxing after a long day, minding my own business when I had a gall bladder attack.  My side and back ached and felt like it was on fire, my right arm and hand hurt, my left knee ached, my right jaw hurt like someone had punched me and my right elbow ached.  All of this from a tiny little gall bladder attack.

On to the cabinet for the Gall Bladder Formula that I always keep on hand just for this moment.  I took about 8 capsules and the event died down.  I was able to sleep until about 2 a.m. when another wave hit me.  Once again, the herbs from the GB formula calmed it all down.  The herbs in this wonderful formula stop the spasms and the cramping and include Oregon Grape Root, Ginger, Cramp Bark, Fennel seeds, Peppermint Leaves, Wild Yam Root and Catnip leaves.

Wonderful that these all come in one capsule and I don't have to keep the herbs on hand to make the formula.  The Federal Government is in the process of taking our rights to all of these natural remedies away from us in the interest of the pharmaceutical companies who want all of us on drugs so the stocks make them more money.

But for now the capsules are on hand and I was able to make it to the next morning when I began the gall bladder flush recommended by Hulda Clark.  I've been doing the flush for about 10 years now and each time the stones that come out of the gall bladder number in the 100's but it works and I don't have to worry about surgery. 

The Gall Bladder Flush can be a one to three day flush.  Just fast on fruit all day, apples, applesauce, pears, peaches, any kind of fruit.  Then at night mix 4 ozs. of fresh lemon juice and 4 ozs. of pure (not blended) olive oil together and drink it down.  Then lie on your right side for about 20 minutes while the olive oil moves through the gall bladder.  Then sleep however you like for the rest of the night.  The stones come out in the toilet in the morning and look like green peas, generally.  Flush ended.  All is well until you need another cleanse. 

"The world won't end, it will be transformed."  Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dichotomy of Worlds

"I am always doing things I cannot do - that's how I get to do them!" Pablo Picasso

Saw this quote on Emma Eker's twitter and loved it so I wanted to share it.

I'm feeling restless and think that it must be Spring moving in my blood.  I'm being challenged these days and a few days ago I felt I was losing control so I took a Bach Flower remedy to get over the feeling and now I'm back to normal.  Funny how flower essences can bring you back from the edge in seconds.   

Life has been good and I give great appreciation for all of my experiences.  This lifetime has been about healing body, mind, spirit and emotions as well as relationships.  The term "healer, heal thyself" has applied to everything and I believe the dichotomy of worlds moving along in time/space continuum has application here.  What I mean by that is that while Western Medicine grows powerful through the media and grants and money, there is a mindfulness growing along side it that speaks of natural healing and how effective it is, although not being allowed into media unless it is through the pharmaceutical companies.  How many ads do you see about natural products on television that are not regulated or owned by the drug companies?   Ever wonder why?  Could it be that the drug companies are losing out on a lot of money?  Something to consider.

What drew my attention to the control that the media has over us became apparent one morning.  A friend called to make me aware of a news show where mutual interests would be highlighted.  I tuned into the show only to be disappointed when, at the moment the man was going to speak of Iridology and how it was used, the broadcast went to a 20 second commercial.  When the commercial ended the scene went to the people in the newsroom, all looking like deer in the headlights.  All evidence of the natural healer and his Iridology charts had disappeared.  Someone didn't want you or me to know about Iridology.  I wrote a letter expressing my outrage to the news show.

Before our eyes, literally, the natural ways are being erased from the consciousness of the people who appear to pay no attention and give it no mind except for a few who are aware of what is happening.  Yet, often people call or write expressing a desire to learn more about natural healing because they are aware that drugs aren't what are needed.  They want to know how to go about healing naturally but feel overwhelmed at the amount of information needed for that to happen.

For that purpose I have begun to teach natural health and healing in a fun and relaxed atmosphere through what I call "Learning Spa" days or events.  Through a Learning Spa you can learn about natural ways to treat common colds, flu, aches, pains, infections, etc., with natural essences, oils, massage, Reflexology.  Amazing how many natural remedies are in our possession that we don't know about. 

The thing is, you don't have to have a prescription for every malady that crosses your path.  The only reason you are sick is because you think you have to be a victim of a virus/bacteria/fungus/parasite.  In my early years as a student of natural health, I thought I had to be sick, too.  Then something told me I didn't have to be sick and I gave myself permisson to take more control of my own health.  If you knew that there was something that would give you more power over a cold or a flu than you think you have and that you could exert that power over that virus in an instant, saving you down time, time out of work and time out of your daily lives, would you want to have that information and take more control?  It's up to you.  The only reason you are sick is because you don't know how not to be.

"The World won't end, it will be transformed."  Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha

Monday, April 4, 2011

Silent Nights

People have been talking about it for years and now we’re seeing the effects of not living in harmony with the earth. The biggest events of the millennium have already happened and are happening and we sit here helpless as we watch the effects of our actions destroying life in and around water, along with the water itself.

What’s it going to take to stop the madness?

The other ‘event’ taking place is Monsanto’s assault on the food supply. Crossing DNA of insects and fish with the DNA of plants; something called GMO. Genetically Modified Organisms.

A few years ago I had a “Bug” company come to spray around the house for ants. The big black ants that are the same as having termites. The ants rained down out of the garage, dead. Problem fixed. We kept the “Bug” company for a few years. They would come to spray twice a year and we didn’t think much about it or how it would affect the area around us. A few years passed and then one night, instead of the cacophony of night sounds that lull me to sleep, there was complete and total silence. No insects humming. No frogs croaking. Complete silence.

I just about went crazy. I live for the summer night sounds.

I ‘journeyed’ to find out what had happened to my beloved frogs. When I entered their domain in the other world the frogs had their backs to me. I was desperate and filled with sorrow. I couldn’t imagine what I had done to make the frogs so angry. I poured out my heart to them and told them I was so sorry for hurting them. I love the sounds of the frogs all around. I am never happier than in the Spring when I first hear the awakening of nature and the rebirth of the mother after the long winter.

As I spoke to them, one by one, the frogs began to face me and then they were all around me and then they were all over me. I thought they would never forgive me, but they did. Relief and joy filled me. I waited for them to come back immediately but it actually took about 2 years for them to repopulate the area around my house. Now the night sounds are back and all is as it should be. The frogs and all the other insects and creatures are safe and happy and sing their joy. At night I am once again carried into journeying by the voices of the natural world.

So no matter what, I won’t spray deadly poison around the house outside or the grass for fear of driving the frogs out of my life again, or the crickets and don’t forget the bees. People wonder what has happened to the bees. They are the first sign of a world out of balance. I’ve been seeing more and more bees the last few years and I intend to keep it that way.

I’ll find more natural methods to deal with home invasions of insects and keep my area free of deadly chemicals that eradicate the natural world. I am not helpless. I am discerning. I make choices that make a difference.

"Come my beloved children and let me tell you a beautiful story."  Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha

Friday, March 11, 2011

My First Love

The best thing I remember about Jack, my first love, was how he smiled at me. Not only was he the handsomest guy in school, he was smart. When he smiled at me his face would light up and his eyes would shine as though he was looking at the most special person on the planet. I felt special when Jack smiled at me. His smiles made me smile and when I was smiling I was very happy.

On mornings when there was no school, Jack would look for me out his window. He lived next door to me and at night we would find each other in the bedroom window and say long-distance ‘good-nights’ to one another. When he would see me come outdoors he would hasten to walk with me and make sure that I wouldn’t step in the muddy puddles left from the rain. If he saw one he would guide me around the puddle so I wouldn’t get my shoes wet. If there were other obstacles in the way he would run and take them off the walk for me.

Jack never hesitated to tell me how much he liked me. He was sincere and very trustworthy. Never once did I catch him looking at other girls. If I was around, Jack was always with me and very attentive. He held my hand and wouldn’t sit before I did. He was quite the gentleman!

At school, Jack would always find me and ask me to sit with him at lunch. He would always make sure there were extra napkins and a clean table at which to eat. He would always share what he had with me and I with him.

I just loved Jack. We got along so well. We never argued about anything that wasn’t important. He could be a rascal at times and tease me, but not incessantly or in a mean way. He and I were a pair and everyone knew that Jack was in love with me and I with him. Our first kiss was so sweet, and for me, quite unexpected! Jack leaned in to what I thought was a whisper, but instead, he kissed me real quick on the cheek. I turned all red and didn’t even know why!

It broke my heart when Jack moved to Florida with his family. He didn’t know how to tell me at first and then one day he just came out and said he was moving away. There was great sadness that day for both of us. When Jack moved away shortly thereafter I never felt so alone. That whole year I thought of Jack and how much I missed him.

For awhile I thought I’d never get over Jack leaving and how I could get to Florida to be with him once again. I talked to my mother about it but she couldn’t see any way that I could be with Jack again. At least not for awhile. But she said that someone else would probably come along and she was right.

In my second year of school I met Damian. He was the handsomest guy at school and he was really smart. We were both 6 years old and he was crazy about me. I loved Damian, but I would never forget that Jack had been my first love.

"The dynamic laws governing time bring a story into being. In other words, when a time loop is created, the world we commonly and uncommonly experience as “out there’ arises both in our minds and in what we believe is objectively shared reality.”  Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha

Friday, March 4, 2011

Most Popular Sayings

Have so much to do today just don't know where to begin.  Make a list and check it off.  Things get done with lists.  No matter what, always take time to read or listen to something that is inspirational.  Only takes about 10 minutes to do and you have a quick pick me up if you need it.

Recently, I purchased a book from Borders called "The 2,548 Best Things Anybody Ever Said", selected and compiled by Robert Byrne.  Of course it is a matter of opinion of who said what best.  But a lot of the sayings are entertaining, at best.  Here are a few sayings from the book, perhaps you would like to judge for yourself if they're the best things anybody has ever said.

"I never did give anybody hell.  I just told the truth and they thought it was hell"  Harry S. Truman

"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you"  C. G. Jung

"Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died"  Erma Bombeck

"I'm so miserable without you, it's almost like having you here" Stephen Bishop song title

"I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch"  Gilda Radner


"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his"
                                                                                                                       General George Patton

Well, there you have it.  Some of the "best things anybody ever said". 

Perhaps the book title should read, "most popular" in the title.

Oh, well.  I guess some of them are really funny and they deal so well with life.  I come from a different ilk when I think of the best that anyone has ever said.  I like to hear what Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha says (one of my favorites is "If you're going to be a bitch, be the best bitch you can be") and the Dalai Lama: (one of my favorites is: Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly) and Padmasambhava the Lotus Born Buddha because they inspire and make me want to be a better person and do more with life.

Maybe I should write a book.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Inter-Terrestrial Visit

Many years ago while at an intensive with Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha in N. Carolina she introduced us to an 'other-worldly' place.  We went to this place as a group and it was very real walking along the dark pathway lined with foliage and mist.  We all got to the destination and Grandmother let us explore and go our own way until the time that she called us back.

My path took me to what looked like a large underground cavern filled with shrouds of billowing dark, feather-light material that moved with the wind currents.  Among these curtains stood two very tall, very slender, fully covered to the floor by thin capes, 'beings' - the likes of which I had never seen before.  When I looked up into their faces all I could see were the huge almond shaped eyes and my own reflection looking back at me through them.

These beautiful beings were very loving and gentle.  They greeted me with a 'welcome' and then took me in behind the billowing, flowing curtains and bade me rest.  I don't remember any more than that except that I went totally blank, thinking and remembering nothing.  When I awoke I felt different, more refreshed.  On the return trip, I noticed that these beings floated beside me as I walked back to the place we met, and they never spoke, but communicated to me through their thoughts that I was invited back anytime I felt I needed to be rejuvenated.

I walked along the pathway intent on finding my way out and back to the group when I felt myself pulling someone or something as my arm stretched out behind me.  I had no idea why I had picked up this extra baggage nor what it was until I looked behind me and saw one of the people who was in our group.  I was literally dragging her out of this place!  She was not looking at me - she was looking behind her and reaching out to some unseen force beyond my sight, while she appeared to be totally unaware of me.

Still, I felt the pull as I hauled her out of there, all the while thinking she would be lost if I were to let go.

Later, when we were walking along the beach to go back to our hotel, I caught up to her and asked her what had happened to her down there.  She was wide-eyed in her response.  "I saw my brother down there and I wasn't leaving!"  I asked her if she knew how she had gotten out of there and she said she didn't have any idea.

Until that moment I wasn't sure that my experience with these Inter-Terrestrial beings was real.  Many years later I once again thought of them and in need of rejuvenation of mind, body, spirit and emotions I revisited that long ago place and found the IT 'beings' once again.  I spent the whole night in their care and awoke with a rejuvenated spirit, zest for life and something else which I haven't as yet identified.  I'll update you when I find out what it is.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Many years ago while taking a college psych course, the instructor asked that we think about ourselves and write down three sentences that describe who we thought we were, then asked everyone to tell what we had written.
I had written down something I'd read many years ago, because it described hu-man so well.
The three things were:
I am all that I have ever been
I am all that I can be
I am - becoming

When I decided to manifest a different lifestyle I was in my forties.  I had been in secretarial work since I was 17 years of age.  I knew that I was no longer anyone's secretary because I needed my own secretary.  Clearly, I had grown.  So, while working full time I decided I would go back to school for massage therapy training.  When I let it be known what I wanted to do, suddenly my world was full of opposition. 

"You won't make any money"
"Stay in your job, it's safer"
"What will you do for health benefits?"
"You'll never use it"
Were just a few of the comments that came at me from different sources, including my dad who had worked hard all his life.  I knew he meant well, and that he wanted what was best for me, but he had never stepped outside of a 'job' and into his own creativity.

I remember just looking at the people that directed their negative comments at me, knowing I would rise above it all because I absolutely and with intent and focus knew that I wanted to change my life.  There was absolutely no one that could stop me from doing what I wanted at this point in my life.  And, indeed, no one would.

So I began school, which, after graduating high school and some college courses, nothing serious, was quite a challenge.  Most days I remember thinking one thing in particular, "WTF am I doing here!!!???

But nothing would change my resolve.  I gave up a social life of any kind for two years and poured over physiology and anatomy books.  No more working for anyone else.  No one telling me my job may not be there next year.  No one telling me I had to punch a time clock.  No one telling me when I could have a vacation.  No one telling me how much money I could make.  I only looked at the end result.

I remember Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha saying that no one could put a worth on anyone else's life.  If a person wanted to ask for a certain amount of money for themselves, how could anyone say they weren't worth that much? 

I wanted to set my own hourly rate and decide my own worth.  A person's self-worth depends on how big their thoughts are or can become.  My self-worth thoughts took time to grow but they are definitely growing.

After graduating massage school I wrote an article that appeared in the local paper and immediately had 30 people every week for months on end.  Talk about manifestation!  I quit my day job and immediately opened shop and have had a wealth of clientele ever since.  I had found my calling.  My life changed.  I intently focused what I wanted and got it.  Yayyyy!

Now my thoughts are that I want a whole lot of money but don't want to work hard for it.  I do believe I'm growing once again and age can't be a factor in growth.  As Rumi says, "Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they exist in each other all along".  Well, if lovers exist within each other, then certainly good fortune and wealth exist in us all along, also. 

I'm counting on it.  I intend it.  I expect it to be so.  And so it is. 

Friday, February 4, 2011


Have you ever wondered about Synchronicity?  I experience it a lot in my business.  Synchronicity may be explained as "an apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated".  

The first time I ever experienced 'synchronicity' was many years ago, sitting in my office waiting for my first appointment with one person when the person in the second appointment slot of the day showed up.  Puzzled, I checked my calendar to make sure I hadn't made an error.  Sure enough, I hadn't.  This person wasn't supposed to be there until 2 hours later.  I explained the 'error' as my fault and explained that another person was in this time slot and that I was waiting for her.  Then I looked at my watch and said, "hold on, the other person is a little late, why don't you stay until she shows up and we can chat."  So we did, but the other person never showed so after a little while I just replaced this person's appointment and worked with her.  I was happy I had reconcidered and not sent her home.

After she left, the other person that I had been waiting for showed up in the time slot of the other person.  Coincidence or just a switch of names?  I couldn't be sure, however the day worked out perfectly.  The next time this happened I knew it wasn't just me making an error.  Also, if someone calls to reschedule an appointment, it is likely that someone who needs that appointment more will call to schedule something.

I've had occasions when I'd think of a person only to have them call me later in the day.  That happens so often I just smile when I begin to think of a person.  They always call within a week or so.  When I tell them I was thinking of them they can't believe it and just laugh.

I was out to visit a friend and we had a nice brunch.  Later, I was thinking of her and just called to say how much I enjoyed our visit.  She said, "Oh my God!  I was just thinking of you!  You're really beginning to freak me out!"

Many years ago, while working with my Elder, Grandmother Parisha, she said that saying the name of a person sends out a vibration that that person picks up.  Names carry a vibration and connects you to them instantly.  Whenever you want someone to call you, just say their name.  I've worked with this for many years.  When I would think of someone I would call them.  They would comment on just having thought of me, either to call me or to get in touch with me later.

Be assured that when you are thinking of someone they are most likely thinking of you also.   

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Being the Balance

Many years ago while working for the Pathology department of a major hospital, one of my duties as secretary to the Director of the Autopsy department was to put the names of all the newborn babies that died in the black book. These little ones were nameless and were simply known as 'baby boy' or 'baby girl'. What set them apart was the date and time of birth and death. They were the still born babies. Babies who, for whatever reason, came into this world for the shortest of time, possibly took just a breath or maybe not any breath at all. There were many of these entries of babies that never were, filling pages and pages of the Black Book.

Each of us has the ability to make a difference in what is happening around us, even if it appears to be in the smallest way possible.  Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha, many years ago, when I asked her why so many babies are born dead, gave a simple but eloquent explanation which I will reiterate in my own words:

She said in so many words, that "Every person, every being that comes into this earth walk, comes for a reason and that is to leave their imprint, their pattern, in the earth.  Not all come for a long time.  Many are born and live long lives.  But there are many who come for just the shortest of times just to leave their pattern in the earth.  These are the messengers.  Each child that comes in and dies shortly after being born or who are still-born comes with a message and they keep coming until their message is heard.  They are like a flower that blooms, opening its petals and leaving its scent,  then closes up, withers and dies.  Whenever you encounter one of these messengers, give a prayer of thanks for their time here.  When you do, they will know their message is received and there will not be so many of them with messages trying to be heard."

I took Grandmother's explanation to heart and daily, while putting their nameless names into the hospital's Black Book I would say "Thank You" to each and every one of them.

One year passed before a nurse came into my office.  Her job was to count the stillborn babies in the book, something she did once each month.  This time was different.  After counting the names of the little ones she turned to me and said, "The numbers of still-borns have been dropping consistently for the last year, and no one knows why."

I remembered the baby I lost back in 1978.  Grandmother's message had affected me profoundly because I remembered saying "Thank you" to my little one.  Before I lost this boy-child, I had a dream wherein I saw a boy being born to me in a breach position.  I waited to see his face but, before I could, the dream ended.  Shortly after having this dream, I became pregnant and lost this baby in my fourth month.  The message did not escape me but it took me a while to get it.   The message this child left with me was that life is precious and not one minute of it can ever be wasted because there are many souls who desire to live this life that don't have the chance to be here or have the opportunity to carry out whatever they came here to do.  The death of my baby brought me out of a severe depression and I was grateful for the message.  I got it.  I had simply said, "thank you".

Friday, January 28, 2011

Laughter as Medicine

Years ago while working in a hospital's pain management facility as a massage therapist, a woman came to see me whom I'll refer to as PJ. 

The moment I began to work with PJ I knew there was something amiss, due to the presence of tears and unusually high anxiety.  Not easy to miss. 

So began an unusual relationship.  Within a few minutes it was obvious that PJ was very disturbed and unhappy.  Relationships.  What else?  She considered herself too old to do anything about her situation (late 60's, early 70's).  Doomed and Scrooged. 

I reminded her of Scrooge who thought he was too old to change.  She didn't get the anology.  I could tell she was borderline indifferent, a state of mind one may move into at any time that is the opposite of love, letting nothing in that is positive and closing the heart forever, thereby entering into a state of mind that is extremely difficult to get out of.  I knew I had to do something.

I remembered words of wisdom from Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha during my time with her.  She always said, "As a medicine person you will have to do anything it takes to bring balance to a situation.  If you don't know what to do, call on me and just get out of the way."

I called out to Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha and all the Grandmothers and Grandfathers to help this woman.  Then I just got out of the way.

I found myself saying something shocking to PJ.  I couldn't believe that I'd said it, but I did.  I only know it was way dirty and it even shocked me but I can't remember what it was.  Anyway, PJ's reaction, being totally shocked, was to laugh.  So I said something even more shocking.  Honestly, now, I don't even remember what I had said to her.  The whole conversation was a blur and I couldn't tell you later what it was that I'd said to her, not even minutes after I'd said it.  That is how spirit works when you get out of the way.

I was on a roll.  Shocking epithets issuing forth as though someone had turned on a faucet.  Within moments, PJ was transformed.  She was roaring with laughter!  For the next 45 minutes, PJ rocked and rolled on my table with laughter.  It never occurred to me that people may be in the outer office wondering what was going on inside my room.  PJ and I were having a ball.  She was now crying tears of joy whereas she came in all miserable and sad. 

Laughter heals the soul.  It had been a long while since PJ had laughed.  The sadness and the weight of the world, she carried.  The joy and the longing for love, she missed.  Her heart was heavy with dread because she kept looking back at what life had been.  Instead of looking forward to what life can be.  Many people look backward and it never is a benefit to do so.  You can drive yourself crazy looking back.  It is always better to look ahead.

I gave PJ the name of a counselor and her card to make sure she wouldn't forget.  PJ said she'd definitely go to see her and she made another appointment with me because she loved the whole session and also the massage.  She said she felt better than she had in years but she knew she had a long way to go.  Each time PJ came in she would laugh and laugh.  She came back for awhile and then I didn't see her again.

Later, I spoke to her counselor, there at the hospital.  I asked how PJ was doing and the counselor said she was coming along but she always cried.  "Hard Case".  I told her of my time with PJ and how I could get her laughing.  She just looked at me, incredulous.  "YOU GET HER LAUGHING???  How do you do that?"

All I could say was, "I don't know.....I just call on spirit and get out of the way."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

On Being Intuitive

I've been in the company of very intuitive people for over 25 years now.  It always made me feel like there must be something wrong with me because I wasn't as intuitive as they were.  When I say 'intuitive' I mean that the people I kept company with could just look at you and 'see' you.  Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha is one of those people.  There have been a few others but Grandmother was the one with whom I kept the most company.

Whenever anything would happen that would be considered an 'intuitive' moment for me, I would push it back or put it in the background thinking that it wasn't enough, that I had to be able to 'see'.  To me, nothing would ever be as intuitive as 'seeing' energy.  When I finally did 'see' something, however, I realized I didn't know what I was looking at.  So being intuitive is all relative. 

My intuitive moments always came in an instant and left the same way.  Intuition doesn't hang around when it moves in and slaps you upside the head (as hard as a whisper) and moves on before you can form a question mark like the ones you see over the heads in cartoon characters.

Intuition strikes when you least expect it.  Like the time I took that teaching job when my intuition told me not to and it turned into a disaster.  I was surprised that it was disastrous because my intuition didn't shout at me not to take it, it just said, 'no'.  I would think that if something was going to be a disaster, my intution would be waving red flags and canons would be going off in the background and I would be seeing little dead bodies everywhere. 

Over the years I've had to get the sense that intuition is extremely subtle and in order to feel the subtlety of intuition you have to be open and ready all the time when it comes calling.  And make your decisions based on how quickly it comes through your space and touches you with its essence.

There are times when I'm not that quick.

I may not always be that open.

I'm not that ready.

Life is interesting, all the time.

I've had to develop a very subtle way to check what I'm intuiting.  It works quite well and connects me instantly with what it is that I'm intuiting.  No one can see the process.  It can be used virtually anywhere, at any time, and in all situations.  Look for it on my website as an e-book, coming soon.

But, I'm still learning and each day is a new and eye-opening experience for me because I'm actually the one teaching intuitive development classes so I know that there are others like me who are also not that quick, open, or ready.  As a matter of fact, I've met some people who don't appear to understand that they're human and capable of being intuitive. 

That has made me feel a whole lot better about myself.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Mayan Calendar

Way back in 1994 or maybe it was 1996, Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha introduced a group of us to the Tzolkin, a 260 day Mayan Calendar.  I was enthralled.  I immediately began to use the symbols and glyphs associated with the calendar.  The glyphs, of which there are 20, are what Grandmother called 'mantuas'.  The glyphs work with us as we work with them and draw us into the 4th dimension when we meditate with them and use them daily.

The Tzolkin calendar is alive and dimensional, as I would soon discover.

While looking through a newspaper I ran across a two-page advertisement about a holistic fair in Cleveland.  I immediately began scanning the faces that appeared on the page to find out who the speakers and presenters of workshops were.  One face literally jumped off the page at me, one I didn't recognize.  I looked closer at him and read his name - Christopher Emmer.  He was from Hawaii and he was doing a presentation and readings using (of all things!!!) the Mayan Calendar.  I just knew I was supposed to go talk with him.  I was so excited!

At the fair I found Christopher sitting at a desk waiting for his next appointment.  I booked my appointment with him and returned later.  I sat down and he immediately looked at something in front of him and said, "you're supposed to be here".  I said, "I know" very nonchalantly.  He said, with emphasis, "no, I said you're SUPPOSED to be here."  I got up real close to his face, looked deep into his eyes and said, "I KNOW".

He put all his regular books away and brought out some other books and said, "well, you need a whole different set of books!"  He then gave me a very in-depth reading using the Mayan calendar symbols and glyphs.  It was wonderful and I felt a very pleasant connection with Christopher.  I later found that he had something of mine before we even knew each other.  After speaking to him, I told him my Akbal glyph was missing and he said, "how odd, I have two Akbals in my deck!  One of them must be yours!"

Christopher later went on to give a presentation on the dimensional quality of the Mayan glyphs, which I attended.  While meditating as a group on one of the glyphs I found myself in a wormhole that dropped me smack dab in the center of the Universe, hanging out among the stars.  The Calendar presented me with this wonderful gift and for my trust and for showing up and I was ecstatic!  I love the Mayan Calendar!

In his book, The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, Carl Johan Calleman gives in-depth information on the waves of Consciousness that have opened us to knowledge of the evolutionary wave of the Galactic Underworld.  Each of the evolutionary waves that have changed our spiritual consciousness came to do just that....evolve us spiritually.  I found this wonderful, thought provoking book through reading Barbara Hand Clow's book, The Mayan Code - Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind.

Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha gave us wonderful teachings on the Mayan Calendar, of which she has such an in-depth understanding I just want to take her head off and dump what she knows into my own head to make it easier and faster for me to take in all the implications of the calendar......Grandmother says to get off the Gregorian calendar because it is a calendar of is a linear calendar and we are not a linear society.  Everything on this planet spirals, as does the Mayan Calendar.  If you look at a flower or a bird's nest or the rings of a tree trunk or a bee's nest, even our DNA!....everything in Nature spirals.  Portal days - spiral.  When we move through a portal it is much like moving through a wormhole where we meet ourselves coming and going.  Everything in Nature is circular and cyclical.

Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha also said something which stuck with me....I may not remember her exact words, but I know I have them written down somewhere in my 25 plus years of notes from her teachings, she said that, if we want to heal the rift between male and female that keeps us from understanding the (opposite) sexes, then get off the Gregorian Calendar and use the Mayan Calendar which will teach the men how to understand their feminine or spiritual qualities as it will teach the women about their male qualities. 

Somehow, I find great peace in that prospect.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Natural Health Options

Waking up to sunshine in Ohio is a rare event.  So when we get sunshine we are energized and thankful, we smile and want to take in as much of the glorious rays as we can get.  Seriously, there are times when we can go for weeks without sun.  It just makes us more appreciative when it shines!

What I love about my day is that every hour is a surprise.  I never really know what will happen from moment to moment.  I take it as it comes and sometimes just bask in the way spirit moves in and out of the journey through space/time continuum.

I find that when I plan my day with exuberant optimism things get very interesting.  I just never know how things will happen or how my plans will be fulfilled. 

The people who come here are delightful, interesting, talented, generally stressed, always looking for ways to become....more relaxed, healthy.  I have truly wonderful people and relationships with them. 

On Tuesday evenings here a few of us gather to share natural health information and ways to prevent disease with natural health options.  There are a whole lot of ways to do that.  We deal with energy therapy which may include everything from Quantum Touch, QiGong, Reiki, Touch For Health meridian therapy, Meditation, Nuwati, Theta healing, and others.  Then we talk about things like sound vibration therapy using crystal bowls and tuning forks and rattles and drums.  Have to be careful because the dogs are around!

We also talk about crystal healing and massage and reflexology.  The medical devices I work with are also discussed and everyone has a turn trying out the tools used to balance pH and oxygenate the body.

If it's herbs and supplements you want to learn about, there are hand-outs on what to do for all kinds of acute and chronic conditions so you can read about herbs and teas and essential oils for healthy living.

We also talk about the Bach Flower emotional remedies and how to use them for yourself and your children and pets.  Safe for all members of the family.

There's a lot of information that comes from other sources, such has Hydrogen Peroxide therapy which was sent by Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha and the liver flush which was a Hulda Clark remedy.  I know since I've begun using the Hydrogen peroxide on my gums that the diverticulitis issues I had have all gone away.  It's been over a year now since I've had any pain.  I am way grateful for that information!  Goes to show, it's all connected!  And it was the liver flushes from Hulda Clark that I began using way back in 1998 to help me get rid of the Lupus along with vitamins and minerals and other supplements.

Considering the health care options we're being offered by the established medical community, as many of us have discovered, it pays to have a working knowledge of natural health options to draw upon.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Give and Take of Relationship

Over 20 years ago, a group of us gathered in a suburb of Cleveland on a weekly basis.  We always had a sacred pipe ceremony on Thursday evenings, what Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha would call "holding the gate". 

After pipe, we would also have teachings there, as it was in this setting that I first began to study as a medicine apprentice with Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha.

At the time, I was married to a control freak who thought I could be controlled.  It turned out that I couldn't because I would always listen first to what my spirit would tell me to do.  As a result of following my heart, my relationship suffered.   How could anyone consider that they can come between a person and what their heart is telling them?  Yet, he would persist with threats of break-up and at times, violence, which he never carried out.  It never mattered to me...I always did what was in my heart.

I have always tried to maintain a relationship while working with a spiritual elder and mentor but it has not always been easy for anyone living with me to understand what I was doing, or learning for that matter.  How do you explain some of the things I'm writing in this blog to someone who is a born-again Christian?  It simply did not compute with him.  This would make me very sad because he would just push me further and further away, never trying to understand the dynamics of the give and take of relationships or the 'allowing' that goes with the word 'love', or the growth that comes with learning.  It never occurred to him to join me in learning the ways of spirit.  It simply was not his nature to think outside the box in our relationship.

One day while Grandmother Parisha was teaching at The Center in Cleveland she looked at me and said, "Merida, you could fill this room with your tears.  I've seen many women break under the pressure that you hold for yourself."  The sadness that I felt and held onto was making me ill.  Holding onto emotion has never made the situation better but perhaps it is the way I try to make up for the guilt that I have always felt while learning and doing this healing walk and taking my time away from my family.  Working and traveling and learning with Grandmother for the last 25 years was a passion that consumed me and fed my spirit, which nothing else seemed to be able to do.  After studying with Grandmother and her teachings everything else seemed weak and watered down.

Now, years later, the fires I have walked through in relationship have hardened coal into diamonds and it seems that the experiences with the men whom I have chosen as relationship 'mirrors' have brought me to where I am now.  I've lived with men who were either the children of alcoholics or alcoholics themselves.  Not growing up with chemical dependency-related issues - I never recognized patterns that are well-documented in people with chemical dependency.  I do now, though.  So it was with the knowledge gleaned from living the life that I am able to recognize what others are going through.

NJ came in for a consultation.  "I don't know exactly what it is that you do, but from reading your articles in the paper I just knew I had to come in and find out.  My stress is making me hurt, especially through my arms and chest.  I have relationship troubles with my husband and daughter and am at wits end!"

Well, that sounded familiar to me.  NJ had no idea how to communicate her feelings so I encouraged her to read Dr. James Dobson's books.  Dr. Dobson is a parenting and relationship expert whom I turned to when my daughter was very young.  I found his books in the local library and they worked wonders for me and I've passed his name on to others.

I encouraged NJ to talk only about her own feelings and never place blame or judgement on her family.  "Talking about how you 'feel' let's them know you're not attacking them and no one can deny you your own feelings.  So say something like "I feel that you're moving further and further away from me because I don't know how to communicate with you."   This was an entirely different concept for NJ who then told me I should give classes on all of this.  I told her that people wouldn't come because I don't have PhD after my name and that I was in divorce court (again!) and didn't need to be giving anyone any classes. 

She said the counselors she's gone to don't give you anything to work with.  They just let you drone on and on about your problems without giving you anything of use to make the situation better.  I told her about Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha and 'becoming the mirror' and how to mirror back what is happening in relationship.  She kinda-sorta got the message but it does take some training. 

Years ago, someone told me to go to counseling.  I said, "By myself?  Why?  There are two of us involved.  How can one person in a relationship go to counseling?   If you're in a relationship and the other half won't go to counseling with you to figure out your problems in the relationship, then it must be time to end the relationship and the only counselor you need is a counselor at law."

Although it was a difficult decision to end this marriage I felt great relief when I finally initiated the process.  I feel I've grown through both marriages and no longer need what is being reflected back at me from outdated mirrors.  I'm off to bigger and broader horizons and looking forward to it!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Journey To Old Oraibi

I remember traveling out to the Land of the Hopi with Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha back in the late '80's.  We went with her to study shamanism, never imagining what would transpire because we were all so innocent.  Just our innocence was protection from evils, which we learned were only imbalances that could be balanced.  In those days I was very spiritual but had little earthly materials so I listened when Grandmother said, "Never become so spiritual that you're no earthly good".

Grandmother knew the people in the Hopi community.  "Hopi" are the Native Americans known as "the little people of peace".  When we arrived on the mesa known as Old Oraibi a young Native woman met us.  She was the one that would guide us and show us the village.  We went into the sacred place known as a Kiva which is built into the ground.  This room is built for ritual and sacred ceremony.  Grandmother Parisha explained to us that the floor of the Kiva is sprinkled with cornmeal but at the end of the ritual, no footprints can be seen in the corn pollen on the floor.

While we were traveling through the village we went to the edge of the mesa which is protected by a 4 foot wall so you don't just go wandering around at night and fall off the edge.  I was one in a group surrounding Grandmother, and we stood and marvelled at the scene far below and out beyond.  It was certainly a long way down!  There was a very small, sickly looking bush up against the wall.  I noticed a group of Hopi men about 40 yards away, standing by a dwelling.  They were looking in our direction and just milling around. 

Grandmother was talking to us and teaching when we all saw a brilliant red and black coral snake appear by the sickly looking bush on the wall.  We all stepped back to allow room for the snake knowing there was no place for it to go.  At that moment a Raven began calling from the opposite side of the mesa and it caught Grandmother Parisha's attention.  She turned to look at the Raven and in that instant she doubled over, as if in pain.  The Raven had been calling a warning.

Also in that moment, the snake disappeared.  No one could see where it went, and we all knew that there was no place for it to go but over the edge.  No holes in the ground either.  Grandmother was definitely in pain and, taken by surprise, she still stood but looked as though she could use something to sit down on and get off her feet.  There was nothing.  I saw the look on the Native woman's face who was acting as our guide.  She was in a state of panic.  She turned and ran as fast as she could back to one of the dwellings.  Long braids flying.

Grandmother explained that she had been hit in her abdomen by the snake.  This was a form of sorcery, most likely attributed to the men we had seen standing by the dwelling.  She felt movement in her body and knew she had to take care of the situation.  We completely surrounded her and walked back to our vehicles to go back to the hotel.  My emotions fluctuated between fear and anger, which Grandmother recognized.  She smiled and said the damage could be fixed and would become a teaching for all of us.  I marvelled once again at her wisdom and her courage.

When we returned to the hotel it was dark.  We were in our rooms when the lights in the complex went out.  All of them.  The whole place had shut down because there was no power.  It stayed that way for about an hour.

Later, we all gathered with Grandmother who appeared to be herself again.  She held a large crystal in her hand and gave a teaching on sorcery.  The spirit of an old sorcerer had been called forth to do ill to her and she'd had to pull it from her body which pulled power from the circuits, causing the black-out.  The spirit of the sorcerer was caught in the large crystal she held in her hand.  She said that if one of us had been between her and the snake, she would have taught us about extraction.  Just for a moment, I was crazy enough to be sad that it wasn't me who had been hit by the snake!  I wanted to learn everything she could teach.

She taught that there was nothing but love and compassion and, resting in that, she sent the spirit of the old one back to the grandmothers and grandfathers who stood waiting to take the errant sorcerer back to themselves.  At that, she released the spirit of the old one from the crystal, from which arose a puff of smoke.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Journey to Mojave Desert (Part 4)

While in Death Valley National Park, Grandmother PaRisHa wanted to take us to Scotty's Castle to sort of round out the trip.  We got there and parked in the lot and we all got out of our vehicles.

I just stood in the parking lot and for some reason, didn't want to leave the lot or the car.  I wasn't at all sure why I was feeling this way so I just stood there.  Grandmother looked at me and made an encouraging remark to catch up with the others.  I just looked at her, still not wanting to move.

I finally did, however, and caught up with one in our party.  All the other members of our small group were already walking the grounds.  For me, Scotty's Castle was just eerie and gave me an all over bad feeling, as though there were many ghosts there that weren't happy.  Even the people walking around didn't act happy or cheerful but were sober and very quiet.  There were outdoor stairs taking you up to verandas that overlooked the grounds and I didn't even want to go near those.  Everything had an eerie feeling to it.  It didn't even feel right to walk up to the doors with windows and look in at the rooms.  Someone asked me if I wanted to  see into the main house and I didn't want to go near the door!  Spooky to the max!

Finally, I went to the restroom, had my picture taken under a tree, then went to the gift shop and stayed there for the rest of the trip.

Later, Grandmother PaRisHa told us that there were many souls that were wandering the place.  She did a whole teaching around those spirits and ended by saying how she wanted to teach us how to release the spirits of those people.  When we cleared Scotty's of spirits many of us saw that, along with the spirits of many people, there were also the spirits of animals. 

No wonder I didn't want to leave the parking lot!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Journey to Mojave Desert (part 3)

Continuing the Journey from the Mojave Desert in Northern Arizona on to Death Valley, we spent a day going to the Racetrack Playa.  Before we left for the trip to the Playa some in the Group or Grandmother Parisha herself had two stories to share.

One was of a man who had stayed at the same hotel where we were all staying.  He had been told before going out hiking that he needed to sign himself out of the hotel and sign himself back in upon his return.  His journey took him out to the Playa where he spent the afternoon.  Or so he thought.  On his return trip he ran into two Park Rangers who asked his name.  He told them and the Rangers said they were glad he had been found.  He said, "what do you mean, "found".  I was only gone for an afternoon."  The Rangers looked at one another and said, "come with us".  They took the man back to the hotel and showed him the book with his signature and the date where he had signed himself out to go on his 'afternoon' trip.  The date was 3 days later.

The Rangers said that there have been many people who have taken trips to the Racetrack Playa and have never been seen nor heard from since.  They told this man they thought he was going to be one of them.  The man was absolutely amazed.

Another person, a man I think, said he went to the Playa, found a rock to sit on so he could draw and before he climbed up on the rock, he took off his shoes.  When he went to get off the rock, his shoes were about 15 feet away from the rock.  The rock had moved with him on it and he never felt a thing.

We got to the Playa mid-afternoon.  Many of us walked out to the Bandstand, a group of rocks in the middle of the flat expanse of hard-packed mud.  Time moved quickly and it was time to go as dark was upon us.  Most of the people had already returned.  We were sitting in our cars waiting for one other.  It was now dark.  Grandmother PaRisHa sent someone out to get the one person whom, we could tell, was just walking across the expanse from the rock back toward the vehicles.  She said she thought she had only been out there for 15 to 20 minutes when in fact about 2 hours had passed.

I breathed a little easier once we got back to the hotel.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mojave Desert Journey (cont'd)

The first day in the Mojave Desert in Northern Arizona on the Western side of the Grand Canyon ended with the big black sky filled with billions of tiny points of light and one larger moving light with two smaller lights moving eratically away from it.

I wish I could say I slept soundly but I couldn't sleep.  I woke up sometime in the middle of the night to the sound of coyotes howling in the distance and then moving very near my tent.  They were sniffing around our tents and camp.  To hear the sound of coyotes and know that nothing really stood between them and us but a piece of thin fabric was a little 'un-nerving'. 

Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha had heard them and she came out of her abode and sat all night at the campfire to let them know they were not welcome.  When I saw her there I wanted to go out and keep her company.  I've always enjoyed her wisdom and her laughter and just being around her is like a healing balm to the soul; but I was so tired and needed to sleep because I knew the coming day would be full.

And it was.  I remember the wind had picked up and blew so hard it felt like being hit continuously with sandpaper.  We all gathered early and said morning prayers and had breakfast.  Each day was different and fun and full of teachings.  We lived quite simply with nature and the elements.  We visited the Grand Canyon and traveled and learned and laughed and worked together for several days. 

Then we traveled to Death Valley and stayed the remainder of our days there.  We went to what is known as the Racetrack Playa which you can read all about here:
On the way we stopped on roads that had just recently been washed out because of all the rain.  At one point we stopped and everyone was picking up the beautiful stones that made up the terrain.  We saw big cat footprints and Grandmother warned to stay close to the vehicles because a Mountain Lion was in the area.  While we were picking up stones I saw Grandmother Parisha looking out toward some hills in the distance.  I looked in the direction she was looking in and saw rain in the distance.  It looked as though the clouds of moisture were moving up from the earth but I wasn't sure of what I was looking at.  Later she said the moisture was moving up away from the earth and back to the clouds because we would be traveling there and it would be impossible to travel those roads in the condition they were in, so the Grandmothers and Grandfathers were preparing the way for us by making the route accessible.

Later, when we were traveling the 26 mile dirt road into the Playa, we stopped and spoke to a man in a jeep who had just ventured the rocky, slippery dirt entrance.  He said he didn't know how we got back to the Playa, as the terrain was so covered with water from the recent rains.  He said it was amazing that we were able to get to the Playa at all.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Journey to the Mojave Desert

Our journey to the Mojave in Northern Arizona began with me dropping a 50 pound suitcase on my foot.  It was then I learned why I needed the walking stick I decided I didn't need when I saw that I had one on my journey into spirit to see what the trip would bring, weeks before the trip began.

Is any of this making any sense??

Anyway, we got to the camp site which had been cleared of brush and anything else 'desert' so we had a clear spot to put our tents.  Good thing I brought an air mattress and pump.  The rocks were big and the air mattress was a good choice for the terrain.  The first day we were there turned into night quickly because we arrived late so many of us were setting up tents in the dark.  The night sky was like nothing I've seen before living in the Eastern State of Ohio all my life.  Generally there are trees blocking the night sky in every direction in Ohio.  Not so in Arizona!  In the desert, you can see for miles in all directions because there's nothing to block the view.  It's all flat and wide open.

We set up camp, built a sort of gathering/kitchen/eating area with plastic poles and tarps.  We each had an outdoor chair we picked up at the local five and dime and there was electric that we could hook up to.  Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha was orchestrating the proceedings and all was ordered and move fast as there were many hands working.

At one point, after all was set up and people were just milling around, I looked into the night sky toward the south.  Stars were abundant and so clear.  Something caught my eye amongst the tiny points of light and as I watched I could see a satellite moving from West to East.  Then, right in the area of the satellite making its slow crawl was another, slightly larger point of light moving North that caught my attention.  As I watched, two smaller lights appeared to break from the larger light in totally opposite directions and literally skipped, erratically, across the night sky.  They didn't go in straight lines away from the main point of light, they skipped as a stone skips across the waters of a pond,  jig jagging from the larger point of light in two opposite directions. 

I was relieved that they were so far away and not headed in our direction....

I brought this to the attention of Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha who was sitting close by.  She and others began to watch the skies and she replied that, indeed, there was much 'activity' this night.

More to come.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Journey to the Mojave Desert

Traveling with Grandmother PaRisHa is always an extraordinary experience.  In the 25 plus years that I've known her it never ceases to amaze me that so much can happen in her presence.

Several years ago a group of us packed up and headed West to Arizona where we spent days and nights camping in the Mojave desert.  It was with a lot of apprehension that I made the decision to go because, if truth be told, I don't like creepy crawly things such as the big three: scorpions, any kind of spider - especially ones as big as tarantulas, snakes - especially poisonous snakes. 

So weeks before I made the decision to go sleep on the desert floor with all these critters I journeyed into the other worlds to see what would await me.  This is akin to time travel because it took me into the future to see what I could see.....and this is what I saw:

I saw a lush, flowering, wet desert as though it had recently rained.  I saw myself with my medicine walking stick and wondered why I would think to bring that with me.  There would certainly be no real need for it and it would be a burden to carry it on the plane with me.  I decided to leave the walking stick home where I thought it belonged.  I noticed that we were camping in an area that was cleared of brush and leveled out.  I saw that the creepy crawlies stayed to the outer reaches of the camp, as though out of respect for our being there.  I saw this through their eyes and from their viewpoint in the desert.  I knew in that moment that I would not encounter any of the things I disliked most and felt better about going on the trip.

As the day of my departure grew near, Grandmother PaRisHa sent emails from our desert destination saying that she had already set up camp.  She said that when we got there we would be able to see the desert in all its flowering glory because it was raining there.  Someone had been employed to come out and clear a section of the desert where we would be camping to make it easier for us to move around.  So much of what I had seen in my journeying had already come to pass, before I even got there!

After arriving in Arizona, and while taking my 50 pound suitcase off the back of the vehicle in which we were traveling, I dropped the case on my foot.  This was why I had seen myself with a walking stick.  It took my foot about 5 days of the trip to heal back to where I could walk without assistance from a stick that someone had gleaned from the desert floor, since I didn't have mine with me. 

I never did see any creepy crawlies walking around during the whole trip, something for which I was very grateful.

More to come.....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Holy Mole'!

Emails and the internet are indispensible to us in Winter.  Here in Northern Ohio we don't get out as often as we would if we lived in the warmer sunshine states so our outreach is limited to on-line chats and emails.  That's ok by me, though.  I have quite an outreach through my website and facebook along with lots of emails.  I regularly meet new people through these mediums as well as keeping up with old friends and acquaintances.

Another way I've met new people is through dance and fitness training.  Living in the country on country roads is not the best place to walk or ride in nicer weather and near impossible in the winter months.  Never having liked exercise for the sake of exercise I've signed up for Zumba, the latest craze in dance fitness.  Salsa, merengue', cha-cha, ariba!!  Ondole'!  Holy Mole'!  I must be crazy!!  Just to move and learn new steps keeps the interest and excitement up and the hour goes fast when you're having fun.

Of course I can't kick like the tall, thin younger girls in the front row who can keep step perfectly with the instructor.  They look like they could join the Rocketts on Broadway!  I can't even move upper body in time with lower body!  But who cares!?  Not me and certainly no one else.

Strength that's a challenge!  I go religiously now.  When I say 'religiously' I don't mean that kneeling is one of the prolonged postures that I stay in.  Although I had to get an extra padded yoga mat because my knees needed more cushion.  I remember the time I fell off the exercise ball and pulled my diaphragm muscle.  Until then, I hadn't a clue that the diaphragm muscle could be 'pulled'!  It created a sensation much like a hernia but was easily remedied. 

Zumba three nights a week along with strength training on the 4th night is getting me out of the house and away from work.  It is also helping me meet new people.

I have a tendency to hibernate in Winter.  Ok....I have a tendency to hibernate all year long.  Good thing Grandmother PaRisHa is consistent in her attempts to push me out of my shell.  She's always saying "Get Out and Reach Out!"  It's working.  I feel less like a bear these days.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Body Human

What could be more interesting than the human body?  There is much mystery to the workings and the systems and their interaction.  Perhaps few have ever fully figured it out.  Then you add all the outside influences like viruses and bacteria and fungus and yeast.  Then on top of that you add foods and liquids.  Then you experience emotion and how that affects the health of the human body.  It's all such a wonderful, enthralling mystery that makes the mind want to solve it.  Then, see what can happen when you add spirit to the mix.

Spirit is the ingredient that changes everything.  It is the one thing that can change something, anything, in an instant.  Spirit is not contained in a box, with rules and instructions attached.  Spirit is chaos and out of chaos comes order.  Or so I'm told.  Or so I've experienced.

TL came in with bent shoulders, fighting against gravity to be able to stand up straight.  "My shoulders are turning downward and my head is too far forward.  I have to fight every single minute to keep my head up straight!  It's exhausting."  I suggested we try Nuwati healing.  She asked what it was and I told her it was a method of moving into the Theta brain wave which is in tune with the 7th dimension where healing comes from.  Then I make a command for healing and just watch what happens.  She said she would try anything. 

Before the actual healing began I told TL that once the command for healing was made to just trust what she was feeling in her body and to just move with whatever was happening.  "Don't fight it, whatever happens to your body, don't fight it".  She agreed and the session was begun.

I asked permission and she willingly gave it.  The command for healing was made and my eyes were closed as I moved into the Theta brainwave.  Immediately, TL's spinal column was before my eyes in a lateral view.  It just sort of popped out at me and turned sideways as thought it were on a TV screen.  I watched as her whole spinal column adjusted itself from the sacrum on up to the 1st cervical in a matter of seconds.  Then the view changed and it appeared to me as though I were looking at it from the front of her body, from a prone position.  Then, it disappeared back into her body.

I opened my eyes.  TL sat with eyes huge.  Something had happened.  She explained that the moment I gave the command her head began to tilt backward and she was very much afraid and found that she was fighting the backward movement.  Then she remembered what I'd said and stopped fighting.  She relaxed her head as it went backward, seemingly on it's own.  She said it went so far back that she was beginning to think it was going to go too far when all of a sudden it stopped and she was able to raise her head with no problem. 

When TL left she was standing straight up.  She no longer had to fight to keep her head up.

I remembered Grandmother PaRisHa's words when she taught us about Nuwati.  She said to trust it, trust that Spirit knows what it's doing and just get out of the way.  She knew how powerful healing can be when you put your trust in something bigger than yourself and just let it work through you.  At the time I wasn't sure I knew what she meant but, with experience comes knowledge, then wisdom.  I'm so grateful I learned from one so wise.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Intelligence In Nature

Listening is a skill many people do not have. I used to be one of them, however, since my whole career centers around hearing what people aren't saying, I've had to develop my listening skills and continually fine tune them, which is a career in itself.

Many years ago I went to a psychologist who put me through a battery of tests answering questions that seemed innocent enough. She said the tests would identify which career path I would excel in because it would indicate where my innate/inherent abilities were the strongest. Turned out at the top of the list was psychology. Go figure.

Back in the day I was interested in psychology and even began some classes therein, however, as with anything typically Western medicine, it did not hold my attention. I still do not regret having dropped the classes in psychology, although, there are times when I think I may have gotten farther in the social order. I've always been an outsider where anything 'medical' is concerned because I love the feel, freedom, openness and the order of the natural world.

When I was a child I would walk through the woods, enjoying the peace, solitude and beauty of the plants, rocks that I would find to sit on when I would tire of walking which were next to pools or ponds where I would watch the tadpoles and listen to the frogs. There is order in nature and a profound peace.

There is also intelligence.

While standing next to a beautiful flowering bush one fine sunny summer day out in the deep woods a voice, not so much 'out there' as it was 'inside my head but very succinctly not my voice' reached out and said, "hello". I was stunned for a minute. Where had that greeting originated? I knew it was not 'my' hello and the feeling was of the plant by which I was standing, pulling me in, sort of trapping my whole attention. It was preposterous, even at my age, to think that a plant could talk.

Worlds and years later a favorite pet and a rock would also communicate in words through a thought (the pet) and by pulling my hand into it (crystal in my pocket) and through the dream time.

But, now I understood that plants could communicate because of another instance in which the Comfrey plant literally reached out and trapped my attention. I love working with all parts of the Comfrey plant and have used it so many times for pulling poison out of stings, and for healing burns - it is second to none. So, when it drew my attention to it, I knew I was in direct communication with the plant kingdom.

Years ago, while working with Grandmother PaRisHa who was teaching us earth healing and communication, she showed us how to awaken rocks and how to sing to the spirits of the plants. Sow wa see sulu sulu, Sow wa see sulu sulu was a plant spirit song she taught us to sing when we were working among the plant beings. Grandmother taught us that the earth is, indeed, alive and intelligent and so sad that we can't hear and don't listen. She used to say that she wished we could see what she sees and hear what she hears so that we would know the wonders of her world.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Walking the Wheel of Medicine

Since becoming involved in the healing arts way back when I was knee high to a grasshopper (the first time I healed myself was of anxiety attacks when I was 8) life has been rather interesting.

These days, people from all over the world and from all walks of life write me about helping them get well naturally.  They find me on the web, usually at my website Wind In Her 

Why would anyone use that name for a healing web site? 

Wind is a reminder to me of Spirit, which is one of the four quadrants of the Native American Medicine Wheel.  In this case, "Medicine" means "balance".  Walking the Medicine Wheel relates to walking in Balance all through and with all Life.  Spirit is a powerful force within the circle of life.  As Grandmother PaRisHa says, "The wind is most powerful when it is whirling in a circle".

All of us here on the Great Mother, Earth, daily walk a balance of mind (East), body (South), spirit (West), and emotion (North).  Each moment of each day, we circle around the wheel using our mind and intellect in our thought processes, we consume ourselves with exercise, diet, clothes, and spas because we want to take care of our physical bodies.  We have emotions whether we want to have emotions or not and, at times, we have highs and lows and don't understand why so we run to various doctors for help in whatever way they are trained to give it. 

So, while we are aware and always plugged into how to take care of our bodies, emotions and mind, how many people do you know that go to Spirit doctors?  How many people do you know who tend to their spirit in ways other than listening to a Reverend or Minister or Priest who profess to be 'keepers of the spirit"?

How do you keep your 'spirit' in tune?  How do you nurture your spirit?  Your church Minister may uplift you weekly with wonderful sermons that remind you of how much Jesus loves you, but how much do you love yourself? 

Working in emotions with Nuwati for emotional healing I have found that many people don't even know what love is or even how it feels.  They hear the WORD love, but never truly having the experience of it in this life, they can't relate.  This causes them to run headlong through life looking for something that should relate to love.  There is an easy self-test that one may do to discover if one knows what love actually feels like.  The ebook I'm writing on this self-test is just being finished.

If you know that love is a feeling you have not really had the experience of, then there is something that can help in an instant.  It is called Nuwati. Nuwati healing is a powerful force for healing.  If you think you've never really known how 'love' feels, then you may want to experience what is called a Heart Reconstruction healing which takes about 8 minutes and may change your outlook on what love really feels like, forever.

Working in the field of spiritual healing has many surprises.

Many years ago a woman I know who works in spirit healing called and asked me to 'go in' to look at a house.  I had no idea why she wanted me to do this and did not ask.  I got some info from her and 'went in' to spirit to have a look-see.  The house had a grayish, sticky-ness all around it which reminded me of glue.  That was all I saw, just this gray glue surrounding the house.

I reported back to her and she said:  "This woman has to sell her house because she has just gone through a divorce, but the house won't sell.  It's been on the market for over a year.  She loves this house."  I realized that what I had 'seen' that looked like glue was this woman's attachment to her home, which she loved.  The spirit healer knew what to do.  She told the woman to go through each of the rooms with a candle or fire and/or sage and cedar and release her attachment to her home.  The woman did this and the house sold in 2 days.

The Spirit world often shows what is really going on in the physical world and often shows how to fix it.  How often do we walk through life ignoring the quadrant of the medicine wheel that deals with our spirit?  If we ignore even one quadrant of the Medicine Wheel of life, we are not fully living and may feel as though something is missing from our lives.  Once we begin to fully live the Wheel, life becomes full, balanced, and the wonder it truly is.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Like Children & Puppies

Having both grandchildren and puppies you can't help but notice similarities in behavior such as all of them learn by having fun.  Try teaching one of them anything without the fun involved and you can lose them instantly.

Growing up in a family of 9 meant rigid discipline had to be establised otherwise we would have never been able to find anything.  However, along with the discipline and work (it was said you could eat off my mom's floors, they were so clean), we always had time to laugh and play.

My oldest brother, Ralph, was the alpha comedian.  I say 'alpha' because our younger brothers, Joe and Chris, were also comedians although Ralph had everyone beat so we considered him the alpha.

When Ralph began his comedic rants he would entertain until we were rolling on the floor, choking, with tears flowing down our cheeks.  I always thought he should be on stage and would tell him so, adding that there was one leaving in 30 minutes.

The point is, we all got along and still do, with lots of fun, laughter, support and a whole lot of entertainment value.  That has boiled down to a whole lot of love that we have passed down to our children, who are now passing that love down to their children who know that we all want the best for them but whatever they choose to be or do in life is their choice and although we may not understand their choices, we'll support them and help out whenever they ask and always be there for them.  To date, we haven't had any drugs or other substance issues and all seem to be free from depression or any emotional or spiritual or physical issues either.  I believe it's because we have taught with loving discipline along with fun and lots of playfulness.

And so, my life in general has been filled with love and laughter, barring a few unfortunate challenges that have made a few dents.  Dents are not bottomless pits, however.  Whatever happens in life, having a strong spirit helps.  And a whole lot of attitude and gratefulness.  I am grateful to have so much love and laughter in this lifetime. 

The love and laughter extended to my friendships and into my spiritual life when I met Grandmother PaRisHa.  Her love and devotion to her students transcended any relationship I've ever had with a spiritual guide and mentor.  She taught with strict discipline but infused it with lots of laughter and so much love.  There was no better way to learn the way and walk of beauty.  When we began to learn we were as little children and puppies:  capable of soaking up spiritual lessons like dry sponges waiting for water.  She had an ocean of principles and experiences to pass on and we couldn't seem to get enough of the waters of life that flowed from her deep well of wisdom.

So now it's our turn to nurture and bring lifegiving water from which to drink.  As Grandmother PaRisHa would begin a teaching, the thunder, lightening and rain would come and we would gather 'round Grandmother as she would begin to teach us.  In a playful spirit she would bring us closer to her to learn the ancient wisdoms with the words, " Come my beloved children and let me tell you a beautiful story".  Our lives would never be the same.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wheel Of Self Destruction

Years ago when relationships were not easy I found them to be an object of obsession. One day, something clicked and I had an understanding that not all things are as they seem and to worry them or place blame was not something that helped any situation. It was at that time I adopted a mantra or a silent prayer to say whenever I would immerse myself in negative thinking. Realizing that I was being negative brought me to the threshold of prayer which always put me in a positive thought process. From then on I just 'let go and let God' or Creator, or the Mystery or whatever you wish to call a force greater than ourselves. If healing the emotions is what one desires, then adopting a prayer or mantra whenever you feel emotional or 'negative' may be something to consider. It certainly works for me. Prayer/mantra gives me strength and takes me out of a blame or downward spiraling emotional cycle.

The subject of much blame and judgement is the self. At times I would attack myself for doing or saying something I should not have done or said. This cycle is self-destructive and tends to set up a wheel of destruction that is difficult to stop as it can spiral out of control to a point where self-hatred erupts and further destroys, creating more hatred and self-judgement. So, instead of blaming 'me', I dropped all judgement of myself and all blame. Instead I would say that I did not like what I was DOING or what I was SAYING. By taking the 'self' out of the wheel of destruction it became easier to get off the wheel when I focused on the ACTION, which took pressure off of 'me'. It is easier and less destructive to say, "I really hate what I just did or what I just said instead of "I hate myself for saying that". It is less destructive to the self when you focus on the ACTION than it is to focus on the SELF. Eventually I learned not to say 'hate' at all. I would just say something like, "I didn't have to say that" or "I don't like what I did". Eventually I developed new pathways that would allow me to be more creative in my thought processes.

By just making this one seemingly small adjustment to my way of thinking of my 'self', I was able to stop the wheel of self-destruction and get off.

Once you get off the wheel of self-judgement and self-blame you feel a freedom that perhaps you've never felt before. This freedom from blame and judgement allows you to then stop blaming and judging others. What a rush when you free yourself of the burden of judgement and blame. I had so much more time to devote to things that mattered and were more positive.  As a result, I am more optimistic and have more time to be creative.  Once new pathways were created it was easier to fill my day with upbeat and positive choices.  But first, I had to allow myself to grow from my own mistakes.

As Grandmother PaRisHa says, "Just one optimistic person, with a willingness to allow people to grow from mis-takes, can effect 90,000 others. Thats what one person can do." 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Energy and Oxygen Therapy

Recently, among my emails was a video of Greg Braden talking about a hospital in another country that featured healers working with energy to eradicate cancer.  The UTube video is awesome!  You can view it here:  Using nothing more than the power of mind and seeing the cancer as already healed, the energy work these healers are shown using with much success has been healing cancer patients at this hospital for eight years.  Energy Therapy has been taught for many years and is increasingly being used along with western medicine.  There are many energetic modalities and many fine teachers, a few of whom I met through massage school where I learned Touch For Health, Meridian Therapy, CranioSacral therapy, Reiki and Quantum Touch.  Other teachers taught me QiGong Therapy, Theta Healing, and something I use consistently - Nuwati healing came from Grandmother PaRisHa along with Breath Therapy.  The Nuwati healing is ideal for re-programming DNA, changing emotional programs. 

One experience I've had was changing emotional patterns in a woman with a strict Menonite background.  After about 5 weeks of twice weekly sessions, she, being the pattern breaker for all the negative genetic patterns in her family including shame, guilt and self-worth, was celebrated by all the spirits of the women in her genetic line showing up in a circle around her.  All the hair on my arms was standing straight up as I looked at all the spirits of these women sitting to my left and right!

For several years now I have been writing articles and teaching classes on energy therapies.  Many people have come and more are interested and being drawn to this work.  I'm often in awe of how talented my students are and how they learn and integrate the information so quickly.  They're like human sponges!

I have in my possession a DVD of what live red blood cells look like when they have been deprived of oxygen.  The DVD is a before and after example of blood taken from people before they receive a treatment that stimulates oxygen absorption in the system.  After receiving the treatment the blood is taken again and it is obvious how the red blood cells have recovered within a short period of time.  It's an awesome DVD!  I use it to show people what increased oxygenation can do for their blood cells.  I've shown it dozens of times and people are always amazed at how sickly looking blood cells can become whole again in a matter of minutes just by increasing oxygen.

While there are several ways to increase oxygen in the blood, you may want to do your own research to find out which method would best suit you.  One focus I've had is of helping people who can't exercise use the Passive Aerobic Exerciser to increase oxygen intake.  It's easy, relaxing, very effective and you don't have to take anything or do anything but lie down and let the machine gently rock the body.  It has been stated that every 5 minutes on this machine is the same as walking one brisk mile.  I've done 20 minutes and the oxygen moving through my body is invigorating.

Another way to increase oxygen in the blood is less expensive, easy to do and is recommended by several experts.  It has been around a while but was recently brought to our attention by Grandmother PaRisHa who sent some interesting articles along on how to do the Oxygen Therapy with 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide.  You may want to read more about the therapy here:  If you want to continue to research H2O2, you may also get a lot more info from this article written by Dr. David G. Williams who states:  "Chlorination of drinking water removes oxygen. Cooking and over-processing of our foods lowers their oxygen content. Unrestrained antibiotic use destroys beneficial oxygen-creating bacteria in the intestinal tract."  Read the whole article here:

So along with energy therapy, oxygenating the body with various therapies and exercise may help stimulate the immune system.  I found it interesting in Dr. William's article that "we now know that vitamin C helps fight infections by producing hydrogen peroxide, which in turn stimulates the production of prostaglandins".

Hydrogen Peroxide therapy was prevalent before the advent of pharmaceuticals.  There is a lot of information on the web so you may want to do your own research to learn more about the various ways to use this therapy such as oral use, intravenous therapy, baths, etc.

Stay tuned for more interesting experiences with energy therapy.