Thursday, January 6, 2011

Energy and Oxygen Therapy

Recently, among my emails was a video of Greg Braden talking about a hospital in another country that featured healers working with energy to eradicate cancer.  The UTube video is awesome!  You can view it here:  Using nothing more than the power of mind and seeing the cancer as already healed, the energy work these healers are shown using with much success has been healing cancer patients at this hospital for eight years.  Energy Therapy has been taught for many years and is increasingly being used along with western medicine.  There are many energetic modalities and many fine teachers, a few of whom I met through massage school where I learned Touch For Health, Meridian Therapy, CranioSacral therapy, Reiki and Quantum Touch.  Other teachers taught me QiGong Therapy, Theta Healing, and something I use consistently - Nuwati healing came from Grandmother PaRisHa along with Breath Therapy.  The Nuwati healing is ideal for re-programming DNA, changing emotional programs. 

One experience I've had was changing emotional patterns in a woman with a strict Menonite background.  After about 5 weeks of twice weekly sessions, she, being the pattern breaker for all the negative genetic patterns in her family including shame, guilt and self-worth, was celebrated by all the spirits of the women in her genetic line showing up in a circle around her.  All the hair on my arms was standing straight up as I looked at all the spirits of these women sitting to my left and right!

For several years now I have been writing articles and teaching classes on energy therapies.  Many people have come and more are interested and being drawn to this work.  I'm often in awe of how talented my students are and how they learn and integrate the information so quickly.  They're like human sponges!

I have in my possession a DVD of what live red blood cells look like when they have been deprived of oxygen.  The DVD is a before and after example of blood taken from people before they receive a treatment that stimulates oxygen absorption in the system.  After receiving the treatment the blood is taken again and it is obvious how the red blood cells have recovered within a short period of time.  It's an awesome DVD!  I use it to show people what increased oxygenation can do for their blood cells.  I've shown it dozens of times and people are always amazed at how sickly looking blood cells can become whole again in a matter of minutes just by increasing oxygen.

While there are several ways to increase oxygen in the blood, you may want to do your own research to find out which method would best suit you.  One focus I've had is of helping people who can't exercise use the Passive Aerobic Exerciser to increase oxygen intake.  It's easy, relaxing, very effective and you don't have to take anything or do anything but lie down and let the machine gently rock the body.  It has been stated that every 5 minutes on this machine is the same as walking one brisk mile.  I've done 20 minutes and the oxygen moving through my body is invigorating.

Another way to increase oxygen in the blood is less expensive, easy to do and is recommended by several experts.  It has been around a while but was recently brought to our attention by Grandmother PaRisHa who sent some interesting articles along on how to do the Oxygen Therapy with 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide.  You may want to read more about the therapy here:  If you want to continue to research H2O2, you may also get a lot more info from this article written by Dr. David G. Williams who states:  "Chlorination of drinking water removes oxygen. Cooking and over-processing of our foods lowers their oxygen content. Unrestrained antibiotic use destroys beneficial oxygen-creating bacteria in the intestinal tract."  Read the whole article here:

So along with energy therapy, oxygenating the body with various therapies and exercise may help stimulate the immune system.  I found it interesting in Dr. William's article that "we now know that vitamin C helps fight infections by producing hydrogen peroxide, which in turn stimulates the production of prostaglandins".

Hydrogen Peroxide therapy was prevalent before the advent of pharmaceuticals.  There is a lot of information on the web so you may want to do your own research to learn more about the various ways to use this therapy such as oral use, intravenous therapy, baths, etc.

Stay tuned for more interesting experiences with energy therapy.


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