Friday, February 4, 2011


Have you ever wondered about Synchronicity?  I experience it a lot in my business.  Synchronicity may be explained as "an apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated".  

The first time I ever experienced 'synchronicity' was many years ago, sitting in my office waiting for my first appointment with one person when the person in the second appointment slot of the day showed up.  Puzzled, I checked my calendar to make sure I hadn't made an error.  Sure enough, I hadn't.  This person wasn't supposed to be there until 2 hours later.  I explained the 'error' as my fault and explained that another person was in this time slot and that I was waiting for her.  Then I looked at my watch and said, "hold on, the other person is a little late, why don't you stay until she shows up and we can chat."  So we did, but the other person never showed so after a little while I just replaced this person's appointment and worked with her.  I was happy I had reconcidered and not sent her home.

After she left, the other person that I had been waiting for showed up in the time slot of the other person.  Coincidence or just a switch of names?  I couldn't be sure, however the day worked out perfectly.  The next time this happened I knew it wasn't just me making an error.  Also, if someone calls to reschedule an appointment, it is likely that someone who needs that appointment more will call to schedule something.

I've had occasions when I'd think of a person only to have them call me later in the day.  That happens so often I just smile when I begin to think of a person.  They always call within a week or so.  When I tell them I was thinking of them they can't believe it and just laugh.

I was out to visit a friend and we had a nice brunch.  Later, I was thinking of her and just called to say how much I enjoyed our visit.  She said, "Oh my God!  I was just thinking of you!  You're really beginning to freak me out!"

Many years ago, while working with my Elder, Grandmother Parisha, she said that saying the name of a person sends out a vibration that that person picks up.  Names carry a vibration and connects you to them instantly.  Whenever you want someone to call you, just say their name.  I've worked with this for many years.  When I would think of someone I would call them.  They would comment on just having thought of me, either to call me or to get in touch with me later.

Be assured that when you are thinking of someone they are most likely thinking of you also.   

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