A few weeks ago I was relaxing after a long day, minding my own business when I had a gall bladder attack. My side and back ached and felt like it was on fire, my right arm and hand hurt, my left knee ached, my right jaw hurt like someone had punched me and my right elbow ached. All of this from a tiny little gall bladder attack.
On to the cabinet for the Gall Bladder Formula that I always keep on hand just for this moment. I took about 8 capsules and the event died down. I was able to sleep until about 2 a.m. when another wave hit me. Once again, the herbs from the GB formula calmed it all down. The herbs in this wonderful formula stop the spasms and the cramping and include Oregon Grape Root, Ginger, Cramp Bark, Fennel seeds, Peppermint Leaves, Wild Yam Root and Catnip leaves.
Wonderful that these all come in one capsule and I don't have to keep the herbs on hand to make the formula. The Federal Government is in the process of taking our rights to all of these natural remedies away from us in the interest of the pharmaceutical companies who want all of us on drugs so the stocks make them more money.
But for now the capsules are on hand and I was able to make it to the next morning when I began the gall bladder flush recommended by Hulda Clark. I've been doing the flush for about 10 years now and each time the stones that come out of the gall bladder number in the 100's but it works and I don't have to worry about surgery.
The Gall Bladder Flush can be a one to three day flush. Just fast on fruit all day, apples, applesauce, pears, peaches, any kind of fruit. Then at night mix 4 ozs. of fresh lemon juice and 4 ozs. of pure (not blended) olive oil together and drink it down. Then lie on your right side for about 20 minutes while the olive oil moves through the gall bladder. Then sleep however you like for the rest of the night. The stones come out in the toilet in the morning and look like green peas, generally. Flush ended. All is well until you need another cleanse.
"The world won't end, it will be transformed." Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha
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