Thursday, January 27, 2011

On Being Intuitive

I've been in the company of very intuitive people for over 25 years now.  It always made me feel like there must be something wrong with me because I wasn't as intuitive as they were.  When I say 'intuitive' I mean that the people I kept company with could just look at you and 'see' you.  Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha is one of those people.  There have been a few others but Grandmother was the one with whom I kept the most company.

Whenever anything would happen that would be considered an 'intuitive' moment for me, I would push it back or put it in the background thinking that it wasn't enough, that I had to be able to 'see'.  To me, nothing would ever be as intuitive as 'seeing' energy.  When I finally did 'see' something, however, I realized I didn't know what I was looking at.  So being intuitive is all relative. 

My intuitive moments always came in an instant and left the same way.  Intuition doesn't hang around when it moves in and slaps you upside the head (as hard as a whisper) and moves on before you can form a question mark like the ones you see over the heads in cartoon characters.

Intuition strikes when you least expect it.  Like the time I took that teaching job when my intuition told me not to and it turned into a disaster.  I was surprised that it was disastrous because my intuition didn't shout at me not to take it, it just said, 'no'.  I would think that if something was going to be a disaster, my intution would be waving red flags and canons would be going off in the background and I would be seeing little dead bodies everywhere. 

Over the years I've had to get the sense that intuition is extremely subtle and in order to feel the subtlety of intuition you have to be open and ready all the time when it comes calling.  And make your decisions based on how quickly it comes through your space and touches you with its essence.

There are times when I'm not that quick.

I may not always be that open.

I'm not that ready.

Life is interesting, all the time.

I've had to develop a very subtle way to check what I'm intuiting.  It works quite well and connects me instantly with what it is that I'm intuiting.  No one can see the process.  It can be used virtually anywhere, at any time, and in all situations.  Look for it on my website as an e-book, coming soon.

But, I'm still learning and each day is a new and eye-opening experience for me because I'm actually the one teaching intuitive development classes so I know that there are others like me who are also not that quick, open, or ready.  As a matter of fact, I've met some people who don't appear to understand that they're human and capable of being intuitive. 

That has made me feel a whole lot better about myself.

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