Years ago while working in a hospital's pain management facility as a massage therapist, a woman came to see me whom I'll refer to as PJ.
The moment I began to work with PJ I knew there was something amiss, due to the presence of tears and unusually high anxiety. Not easy to miss.
So began an unusual relationship. Within a few minutes it was obvious that PJ was very disturbed and unhappy. Relationships. What else? She considered herself too old to do anything about her situation (late 60's, early 70's). Doomed and Scrooged.
I reminded her of Scrooge who thought he was too old to change. She didn't get the anology. I could tell she was borderline indifferent, a state of mind one may move into at any time that is the opposite of love, letting nothing in that is positive and closing the heart forever, thereby entering into a state of mind that is extremely difficult to get out of. I knew I had to do something.
I remembered words of wisdom from Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha during my time with her. She always said, "As a medicine person you will have to do anything it takes to bring balance to a situation. If you don't know what to do, call on me and just get out of the way."
I called out to Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha and all the Grandmothers and Grandfathers to help this woman. Then I just got out of the way.
I found myself saying something shocking to PJ. I couldn't believe that I'd said it, but I did. I only know it was way dirty and it even shocked me but I can't remember what it was. Anyway, PJ's reaction, being totally shocked, was to laugh. So I said something even more shocking. Honestly, now, I don't even remember what I had said to her. The whole conversation was a blur and I couldn't tell you later what it was that I'd said to her, not even minutes after I'd said it. That is how spirit works when you get out of the way.
I was on a roll. Shocking epithets issuing forth as though someone had turned on a faucet. Within moments, PJ was transformed. She was roaring with laughter! For the next 45 minutes, PJ rocked and rolled on my table with laughter. It never occurred to me that people may be in the outer office wondering what was going on inside my room. PJ and I were having a ball. She was now crying tears of joy whereas she came in all miserable and sad.
Laughter heals the soul. It had been a long while since PJ had laughed. The sadness and the weight of the world, she carried. The joy and the longing for love, she missed. Her heart was heavy with dread because she kept looking back at what life had been. Instead of looking forward to what life can be. Many people look backward and it never is a benefit to do so. You can drive yourself crazy looking back. It is always better to look ahead.
I gave PJ the name of a counselor and her card to make sure she wouldn't forget. PJ said she'd definitely go to see her and she made another appointment with me because she loved the whole session and also the massage. She said she felt better than she had in years but she knew she had a long way to go. Each time PJ came in she would laugh and laugh. She came back for awhile and then I didn't see her again.
Later, I spoke to her counselor, there at the hospital. I asked how PJ was doing and the counselor said she was coming along but she always cried. "Hard Case". I told her of my time with PJ and how I could get her laughing. She just looked at me, incredulous. "YOU GET HER LAUGHING??? How do you do that?"
All I could say was, "I don't know.....I just call on spirit and get out of the way."
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