Sunday, January 9, 2011

Walking the Wheel of Medicine

Since becoming involved in the healing arts way back when I was knee high to a grasshopper (the first time I healed myself was of anxiety attacks when I was 8) life has been rather interesting.

These days, people from all over the world and from all walks of life write me about helping them get well naturally.  They find me on the web, usually at my website Wind In Her 

Why would anyone use that name for a healing web site? 

Wind is a reminder to me of Spirit, which is one of the four quadrants of the Native American Medicine Wheel.  In this case, "Medicine" means "balance".  Walking the Medicine Wheel relates to walking in Balance all through and with all Life.  Spirit is a powerful force within the circle of life.  As Grandmother PaRisHa says, "The wind is most powerful when it is whirling in a circle".

All of us here on the Great Mother, Earth, daily walk a balance of mind (East), body (South), spirit (West), and emotion (North).  Each moment of each day, we circle around the wheel using our mind and intellect in our thought processes, we consume ourselves with exercise, diet, clothes, and spas because we want to take care of our physical bodies.  We have emotions whether we want to have emotions or not and, at times, we have highs and lows and don't understand why so we run to various doctors for help in whatever way they are trained to give it. 

So, while we are aware and always plugged into how to take care of our bodies, emotions and mind, how many people do you know that go to Spirit doctors?  How many people do you know who tend to their spirit in ways other than listening to a Reverend or Minister or Priest who profess to be 'keepers of the spirit"?

How do you keep your 'spirit' in tune?  How do you nurture your spirit?  Your church Minister may uplift you weekly with wonderful sermons that remind you of how much Jesus loves you, but how much do you love yourself? 

Working in emotions with Nuwati for emotional healing I have found that many people don't even know what love is or even how it feels.  They hear the WORD love, but never truly having the experience of it in this life, they can't relate.  This causes them to run headlong through life looking for something that should relate to love.  There is an easy self-test that one may do to discover if one knows what love actually feels like.  The ebook I'm writing on this self-test is just being finished.

If you know that love is a feeling you have not really had the experience of, then there is something that can help in an instant.  It is called Nuwati. Nuwati healing is a powerful force for healing.  If you think you've never really known how 'love' feels, then you may want to experience what is called a Heart Reconstruction healing which takes about 8 minutes and may change your outlook on what love really feels like, forever.

Working in the field of spiritual healing has many surprises.

Many years ago a woman I know who works in spirit healing called and asked me to 'go in' to look at a house.  I had no idea why she wanted me to do this and did not ask.  I got some info from her and 'went in' to spirit to have a look-see.  The house had a grayish, sticky-ness all around it which reminded me of glue.  That was all I saw, just this gray glue surrounding the house.

I reported back to her and she said:  "This woman has to sell her house because she has just gone through a divorce, but the house won't sell.  It's been on the market for over a year.  She loves this house."  I realized that what I had 'seen' that looked like glue was this woman's attachment to her home, which she loved.  The spirit healer knew what to do.  She told the woman to go through each of the rooms with a candle or fire and/or sage and cedar and release her attachment to her home.  The woman did this and the house sold in 2 days.

The Spirit world often shows what is really going on in the physical world and often shows how to fix it.  How often do we walk through life ignoring the quadrant of the medicine wheel that deals with our spirit?  If we ignore even one quadrant of the Medicine Wheel of life, we are not fully living and may feel as though something is missing from our lives.  Once we begin to fully live the Wheel, life becomes full, balanced, and the wonder it truly is.

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