Monday, January 10, 2011

Intelligence In Nature

Listening is a skill many people do not have. I used to be one of them, however, since my whole career centers around hearing what people aren't saying, I've had to develop my listening skills and continually fine tune them, which is a career in itself.

Many years ago I went to a psychologist who put me through a battery of tests answering questions that seemed innocent enough. She said the tests would identify which career path I would excel in because it would indicate where my innate/inherent abilities were the strongest. Turned out at the top of the list was psychology. Go figure.

Back in the day I was interested in psychology and even began some classes therein, however, as with anything typically Western medicine, it did not hold my attention. I still do not regret having dropped the classes in psychology, although, there are times when I think I may have gotten farther in the social order. I've always been an outsider where anything 'medical' is concerned because I love the feel, freedom, openness and the order of the natural world.

When I was a child I would walk through the woods, enjoying the peace, solitude and beauty of the plants, rocks that I would find to sit on when I would tire of walking which were next to pools or ponds where I would watch the tadpoles and listen to the frogs. There is order in nature and a profound peace.

There is also intelligence.

While standing next to a beautiful flowering bush one fine sunny summer day out in the deep woods a voice, not so much 'out there' as it was 'inside my head but very succinctly not my voice' reached out and said, "hello". I was stunned for a minute. Where had that greeting originated? I knew it was not 'my' hello and the feeling was of the plant by which I was standing, pulling me in, sort of trapping my whole attention. It was preposterous, even at my age, to think that a plant could talk.

Worlds and years later a favorite pet and a rock would also communicate in words through a thought (the pet) and by pulling my hand into it (crystal in my pocket) and through the dream time.

But, now I understood that plants could communicate because of another instance in which the Comfrey plant literally reached out and trapped my attention. I love working with all parts of the Comfrey plant and have used it so many times for pulling poison out of stings, and for healing burns - it is second to none. So, when it drew my attention to it, I knew I was in direct communication with the plant kingdom.

Years ago, while working with Grandmother PaRisHa who was teaching us earth healing and communication, she showed us how to awaken rocks and how to sing to the spirits of the plants. Sow wa see sulu sulu, Sow wa see sulu sulu was a plant spirit song she taught us to sing when we were working among the plant beings. Grandmother taught us that the earth is, indeed, alive and intelligent and so sad that we can't hear and don't listen. She used to say that she wished we could see what she sees and hear what she hears so that we would know the wonders of her world.

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