Thursday, December 30, 2010

Focus and Intent

Imagine your life was exactly the way you envisioned it.  Wait.  You don't envision your life the way you want it to be?  You just take what is given and maybe complain about what you've got?

Well no wonder we need Grandmother PaRisHa, Bob Proctor and John Assaraf.

In case you don't know it, Bob Proctor and John Assaraf are motivational coaches and Grandmother PaRisHa is, well, many things: teacher, mentor, coach, spiritual guidance instructor, Medicine woman, Elder.

The point is that your life may not be what you want it to be because you don't plan it.  All three people mentioned above talk about 'visioning' a life that appeals to you and then planning it and making it happen.  That takes Focus.  That takes Intent.  Both focus and intent mean you know what you want and have a direction in which to move.  As Bob Proctor says, "the Universe gives you exactly what you plan for.  But without a plan you just have to take what the Universe throws your way.  Maybe it's what you want and maybe it isn't."  This happens because there is no focus of energy.  This happens because there is no statement of intent. 

Years ago I made a plan to give up smoking.  I never smoked much, maybe 3 cigarettes a day but I was still addicted to those 3 cigarettes.  I loved to smoke them and looked forward to the time of day when I could just relax with a cigarette or 3.  I knew that I wanted to stop smoking altogether and so I planned for the day that would happen.

I wrote down the date about 3 months away that I would be able to pick up a cigarette, look at it and just not want it anymore.  That was my intent.  I focused my intent daily just one time in the morning when I woke up and just knew that by the specified date I would be able to say I had quit smoking.

Three months later I wasn't ready to quit but that didn't stop me from re-focusing my intent on another date which I again wrote down.  By the second date I was rewarded.  I picked up a cigarette and absolutely did not want it.  I put it down and have never looked at a cigarette again nor have I had any desire or craving to smoke. 

That took focus and intent.  I had a plan and I followed it.  I have been smoke free and my life without cigarettes is great.

Whenever I feel I want something, want to do something, need something in my life or whatever; I plan a course of action.  I intend it and focus on it.  I know that I can have anything, do anything, be anything as long as my consciousness allows for it.  I keep growing and expanding in thought and awareness.  This is important because it is a lack of awareness that keeps us from thinking big thoughts and dreaming big dreams.  Some people are born with an expanded awareness.  Others have to grow into it.

Planning life is an adventure in trust and optimism.  Learning how to focus and intend a goal draws circumstances to us like the laser light on a pen focuses it's light in one spot.  There are so many options to choose from, but unless you focus and intend what it is that you want you may never have anything because there is no plan to pick out of the ethers.  Without a plan, it's all just a jumble that you have to sort through and take what comes your way.

Expanded thought, awareness, plan, focus, intent, action.  All of these equal Results.

Write out your goal(s), make them big!  Then intend how you want them to manifest, focus, plan and take the action to bring them about.

Watch what happens when you begin to learn to use your creativity.  There is nothing you can't do or have!

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

When You're Happy and You Know It

I've lived with some real characters and have been in work situations where many people were very unhappy.  One of my friends whom I've known for many years always seems to be on anti-depressants.  I don't believe I ever understood why.  She lives in a modest home, has nice things and appears warm and friendly.  She has many friends and acquaintances. 

Recently I visited and we talked more intimately than we had ever spoken to each other before in our long history together.  For instance, she never knew all the healing techniques I involve myself in.  And she told me how miserable she is at work.  How the 'younger' people have come in and how their attitudes are so 'different'. 

I said, "so what do you care, you have 3 months left to work, and then you will retire.  I would go in skipping and singing if it were me."

She couldn't see it that way.  She insists that being in a miserable state of mind for the next 3 months is all that exists.  "How can you deny being miserable for the next 3 months?  How can you think that is going to change the fact that I'm miserable now?  I don't know what to do about these women who hate me!  I can't live like this, not being a part of any conversations, not being included in anything.  It's awful!  I don't want to do this for another week let alone 3 months!"

I had to look at her and see where she is.  It made it easier to listen.  She was talking to me, a woman who has lived with a man who did not speak for 3 years, who left the room when I walked into it, who did not and still does not include me in his life in any way, shape or form.  A man who has left the building, mentally and emotionally and spiritually.  No matter what I said or did, he would not leave.  I work here so I can't leave.  Stalemate.  I hired an attorney.  No longer need this kind of mirror reflecting old beliefs and patterns.

It brought 'home' the realization that we are not all alike, that we each have different strengths and weaknesses, that no matter how 'old' a person is doesn't mean we mature equally.  Maybe it has nothing to do with maturity.  Maybe it's just that we each deal with 'loneliness' differently.

I have a purpose in life.  Since I was a child, my purpose has always been finding ways to help people.  I live life helping other people be healthy, naturally.  It keeps me sane and it keeps me on track and it keeps me happy.  I find happiness within myself.  Whenever I look outside for balance and peace I find it doesn't really exist outside of me.  I am at peace and I see each new day as a blessing and an adventure that will open to possibilities.  Everything is possible.  Everything is new and exciting.  I feel love no matter who or what is in my world because all that exists in me is love and it is through love that I view the world around me.  At times I get off track, but then it comes back around and I know I can only make my world better, within me.  If a person doesn't wish to engage in my world and wants to live in a darker place, I can still go within my own world and be happy and at peace. 

Many times I find myself listening to the negative comments made in my home but that doesn't mean I have to engage.  There are times when I mirror back a calmness and a peacefulness that says I am not engaging and the negativity stops.  For a while.  Sure, sometimes I have to fight, but when I do fight, it's for the right to be and to think my way, not anyone else's way.  My thoughts, actions and feelings are mine and they've brought me through 60 years without anti-depressant drugs.  I feel that is because I speak and act with integrity.  When I know I've caused an imbalance I do something to balance it.  Grandmother PaRisHa always said, "the only thing we truly have is our integrity". 

I used to awaken every day, get out of bed and the first thing I would think is "Thank you, Creator, for this beautiful man in my life".  He was a dream come true.  I was always told that being thankful brings more things to be thankful for...maybe it wasn't the man I was supposed to be thankful for.   

I've always had precognitive dreams sometimes years in advance of an emotional upheaval.  
I dreamed the house was falling down around him and he ignored it.  He didn't realize what was happening and when it hit him he literally drowned in emotion as it carried him away.  He never looked back.  I don't like these dreams, they always come true and there's never anything I can do to fix the situation, try as I may.

I put blue light around him all the time and just pray that he survives this break-up, somehow.  I feel that perhaps he never had a knowing of how love really feels.  I get this idea from something he said a while ago, that, "the dogs HATE when you do that!"  I replied that the puppies are incapable of HATING anything. 

When you've lived without knowing how love feels, how can you know to let it in..?  How do you recognize love for what it is if you've never truly known how it feels?  You think it's something else, something only your perceptions will allow because you have nothing to compare it with and nothing you think, do or say can touch what love is.  So, many people live without knowing how to love or how it feels.  When you live with one of them, it is nothing but sad.

Inside Voices

As I write this my two dogs Romeo and Valentino are charging through the house 'playing' like they're going to tear each other's throats out and barking wildly while Ed is trying to get their attention by telling them they must use their 'inside voices'.  "Inside voices!  Inside voices!"

I'm wondering how the world would evolve and change if we all not only used our 'inside voices' but listened to them.  I can't tell you how many times I ignored my inner voice and then later thought about what it had told me and if I'd listened to it how my world would have been totally changed in a positive manner.  I can think of so many instances when a thought flew through my head so fast it absolutely couldn't have meant anything at all and then soon afterwards I thought of something else which wasn't the inside voice but my own thoughts.  Of course, I didn't follow the inside voice.  It couldn't have been right.  It was too hard or it was too easy or it just didn't make any sense at all to do it that way.  Must not have heard right.  What to do, what to do?  I know!  I'll just do this other thing instead.


In later years I learned that my inside "inner" voice was actually a friend and not 'the enemy'.  At some point I learned to pay attention and then act upon what the voice was saying.  That's how I changed career paths.  I just knew that I no longer belonged in Customer Service/Secretarial.  How did I know?  Mainly because instead of being a secretary for someone else, I needed to hire a secretary for myself.  If anyone needed a secretary (and still does) it's me!  But long before I knew I was going to change my career path I 'felt' it was what I needed to do.  There was this little voice telling me so.  I sort of listened but went about business as usual.  It was when the voice was shouting at me that I began to actually DO something about it.  Instead of just thinking about it - I planned then took action.

Long before something happens I can feel it will happen and sometimes, if it is something that will affect me on an emotional level, I even see it happen in the dreamtime, sometimes years before the actual event.  There are times when it's not pleasant to go to sleep at night.  Dreaming is a whole other dimension where we live and move and have our being.  I remember Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha saying that the dreamtime is more real than the 3rd dimensional reality we live in.  In the dreamtime we are in heightened awareness.  We have to acknowledge what's happening in the dream because we are totally absorbed in the dream.  When we are frightened in a dream we feel it intensely.  When we are happy in a dream we feel that also.  Sensations in the dreamtime aren't denied or blocked.  If the dream is powerful enough, it can stay with us forever.

I remember something Don Juan told Carlos Casteneda, they were talking about dreaming and Don Juan told Carlos that it takes energy to dream and to remember a dream.  That makes so much sense because the more energy I put into an emotional relationship, the less I dream and have no recollection of what dreams I may have.  Emotional relationships usurp energy.  We also lose energy when we worry, gossip, are angry or resentful or become weighed down with the emotional drama.

Recently I've not been involved in any emotional dramas with anyone and my dreams have returned to the point where I could make popcorn and buy tickets because they are better than any movie.

Our 'inside voices' always give us what we need, when we need it.  All we have to do is listen and no matter how incredible it sounds, act on it.  (Just to be clear - I'm not talking about going "postal" or killing anyone - I'm talking about your own creativity and acting on it!)

Well, the dogs have gotten settled and are now quiet until the next time they liven things up.  Funny how things come up that make you think about something else.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dreaming While Dreaming

I've been having some very interesting dreams recently.  Last night I came upon a group of people I know who were dreaming.  We all sat together in a circle and went into the same dream.  Everyone saw the same thing in the dream and we were able to discuss what we saw and what it all meant.  Some people had explanations for the things that happened and were able to describe what they meant to the rest of us.  There was a person there that had passed on a while ago and she was very good at deciphering what the dreams meant and because we were already in spirit, we were able to talk with her and see her.  Paige looked wonderful! 

We were looking into a dream world that focused around some corporate interests.  The corporate owners were surprised that we could 'see' beyond the smoke screen they had set up for us.  We were surprised and delighted that we could do this kind of work.  I remember the number 3106 but don't know what it means.

I'm familiar with 'dreaming because of the work I've done with Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha in years past.  Recently, I was asked to work with a woman who had neck pain.  It occurred to me that she had some kind of 'invisible armor' that she was tired of carrying.  Then she said, "I'm so tired of this neck pain!  I've had it for so long and it is very tiresome".  So I said I would do what I could to help.

Overnight I journeyed into the worlds and saw that she was indeed carrying a heavy armor on her shoulders that came up her neck to her chin.  There was a lock on the armor and I asked for the key to unlock it.  The key came from the left of me and I caught it and unlocked the armor which fell away by itself.  As it did I  noticed that the armor came away from between the vertebrae in her spine.  I felt that she would heal and that from this point on, she wouldn't be so guarded, as is her nature.

Since the 'unlocking of the armor' this woman has told me that she feels naked and vulnerable as she never has before.  Her neck feels better but she has to get used to the feeling of vulnerability.  She says that people come up to her now and talk to her as though she and they are old friends and although she's never had trouble speaking to people before, now there is an ease with which people approach her.  She commented that she has to get used to this new feeling of open-ness around people.  She had lived with being 'guarded' all her life.

I believe working in the dreamtime is a rewarding and interesting adventure that I have yet to learn so much about.

Subtle Energy

Intuition and Natural Medicine

Eckhart Tolle, in "Realizing the Power of Now", states: "Be at least as interested in what goes on inside you as what happens outside. If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place."

Subtle energy exists all around us. If you know what is happening inside yourself, if you can hear your subtle tones and feel the strength of your own processes in the form of color and vibration, texture and depth of energy, then you are in the stillness of mind that matters.

A recent experience with an illness helped me to ‘tune-in’ to my inner-self, emotionally and physically, and helped me to bring it to a rapid balance. Having dealt with illness in one form or another all of my life has taught me how to intuit what is happening in my body. My life-long study of natural ways to heal has helped me enormously when I have needed to bring myself out of both chronic and acute illnesses. Normally for me, a bout of bronchitis will last about six weeks. In the past, I would have worked to balance bronchitis with herbs and vitamins and in doing so would be comfortable and sleep soundly by taking the herbs that warm the system and clear the lungs. In the years when I was plagued with chronic bronchitis I had to learn how to survive without symptoms so that I could rest and not miss any work. Over time, I became very proficient at healing my lung problems with herbs.

Recently I made up my mind that I don't have that kind of time, nor do I care to devote that much energy to a chronic condition.

So when my nose plugged up so much that it sounded as though I had a clothes pin attached to it and the drainage coursed down my throat and into my chest causing bronchitis bordering on pneumonia, I decided to take clear and concise action. Anything lasting longer than two days, in my account, is a sign that there is a deficiency present or a lack of assimilation of nutrients caused by blockage or excess in the system.

From my training in Naturopathy I had learned that sinus drainage, especially with a headache in the top, front, and back of the head, comes from something known as a "leaky" pituitary. The pituitary gland is the Master gland in that it regulates all the other glandular secretions of the body. Muscle testing this gland showed it to be weak along with an energetic drain on the liver. Starting with the Pituitary--Three nutrients in particular will wake up the pituitary gland and start it working again. They are Vitamin E in a heavy dose such as 2000 I.U.’s, Vitamin B-Complex or L-Ornithine, an amino acid. Taking one of those nutrients immediately stopped the headache which had been almost blinding. The nutrient action had also caused a pleasant buzzing in my head and a warmth throughout my body as the pituitary was once again active. Along with that, the leakiness subsided meaning that my sinuses stopped draining like a leaky faucet to a small drip. Still, the relief was immediately felt and I addressed the liver. To get the liver moving is easy. One drop on the tongue of Lavender essential oil will get the liver moving again. Essential oils are extremely potent so no more than one drop at a time please. Then, I began to work on the cough which I was able to stop with some things from my spice cabinet. The herbs I used were ginger and cayenne pepper, which add heat to a cold environment, thus bringing my cough to an immediate balance. This enabled me to sleep soundly through the night. To eliminate the cough altogether was another matter.

The word “cold”, as in, “I have a ‘cold’, means that the body is in an acid pH. The pH of the body should be between 6.4 and 6.8 to be in optimal health. When the pH falls below 6.4 the body becomes too acidic or ‘cold’. The energy moves too fast when it is acid and many times diarrhea is present. On the other hand, a pH over 6.8 tells you that your body is getting too warm or has too much heat. The energy moves slowly and constipation may result.

The concept of healing all of this came to me in a flash. My intuitive knowing told me that my stomach was out of balance and that, in order to bring my body back to health it would be necessary to fast for three days, bringing my body to a natural place of stillness so the organs of digestion would have time to reset themselves, so to speak. This, in Cranio-Sacral terms, is called a "still point". So, for three days I stopped eating food and only drank lemon juice from fresh lemons in pure water, with pure grade B Maple syrup to sweeten the lemon. Pure grade B Maple syrup has vitamins and minerals in it so your body isn’t missing the nutrients that would normally provide those vitamins and minerals. I took only one capsule of Cayenne (red) pepper in the morning along with the drink each day. Cayenne pepper is the highest source of Vitamin C and it also breaks up stagnant energy and warms the body which is needed when the body is in a ‘cold’ condition.

I wasn’t hungry at all without food. The drink itself dispelled my appetite. It took me three days of drinking the lemon/maple syrup water to balance my stomach, after which the cough completely vanished, just melted away. No more ‘cold’, cough or headache. Total time it took me to get rid of it was 6 days. Everyone around me had the same thing and it lasted over 6 weeks for many.

On an emotional level, grief and sadness affect the lungs by weakening them. I had been through a particularly sad experience throughout the year and just couldn’t let it go. As a result of holding the emotion of sadness too long, my lungs were weakened and the imbalance manifested as bronchial-pneumonia. Realizing this helped me to understand how I was holding energy and enabled me to adjust my thinking which was affecting my physical reality. Along that line of thinking, tears withheld may have their vibrational equivalent to sinus drainage. Crying happens whether we want it to or not. Our physical bodies respond with intelligence to our emotions and thoughts, creating our reality.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Knee, Ankle, Foot Pain

Knee pain is a subject many people regard as simply ‘arthritis’. But when you consider that all the muscles of the lower leg as well as the muscles from the hip attach at that knee you may want to add muscular spasm into the equation.

Also, the patella (knee cap) floats above the knee and, as I’ve often found, may easily become ‘off track’. The trick is to gently maneuver the patella back on track and release the muscles that are in spasm around the knee. The work actually helps people control their pain and I’ve had many people experience immediate relief.

Another issue with the knee is instability which makes a person feel as though the knee will buckle or give out on them. The actual cause of this instability may well be that two muscles around the knee may be in spasm. Once these muscles are checked and the spasm relieved with either Neuromuscular release (painful) or positional release techniques (which are virtually painless) depending on the technique the therapist uses, you may experience immediate stability around the knee. You can put the walking cane in storage once these muscles are released!

Also, Dr. Max Collins, a brilliant Chiropractic doctor that I had to opportunity to meet in S. Carolina, suggests that knee pain may have causes in the gall bladder and liver and that it is most often associated with too much yeast or fungus in the system.

Ankle pain often signals weak muscles or muscles in spasm. If you have ever had ankle sprains or breaks the muscles in the feet and ankle most likely have gone into spasm. Never having had massage on the affected appendage, spasm may continue without any signs of discomfort for many years and then, it may appear that pain is sudden and from out of nowhere.

Dr. Max suggests another cause for ankle/foot pain may be related to weakened kidneys and adrenals.  Strengthening them requires a combination of lemon and olive oil for the kidneys and the 4C's (calcium/chlorophyll/cayenne/cider vinegar) taken all together for strengthening the adrenals.  (look for my upcoming e-book on Muscle Testing and Intuitive Development)

In many cases of sprain, if you catch it soon enough, a therapist may be able to stop the pain by releasing the injured muscle(s).

ALK fell off a roof and came limping into my office. “I landed on my feet! I think I really messed myself up. I can’t put any weight on my right foot.” The muscles of the back, hip and legs into the ankles and feet were systematically released and when ALK stood up, there was no pain. She couldn’t believe it and kept pacing around the office. “How the heck did you do that!?? I thought for sure I was going to have to walk with a cane!”

Another reason for ankle pain, as I found out by experience, is jewelry such as toe rings and ankle bracelets. These beauty adornments stop the flow of energy at the ankle and have caused me considerable pain within a short wearing time, enough for me to stop wearing them. They may not be a problem for those who don’t work with energetic modalities but they stop up energy and weaken structure for those of us who do on a daily basis.

So if you’re having knee, ankle or foot discomfort you may want to give massage therapy a chance to help release the muscles that may be the cause of all the discomfort. At least give massage a try before you give up altogether.

For those with persistent neuropathy, you may want to try the new device that opens up the pathways in the feet and legs, relieving pain and discomfort while it kills yeast, parasites, and fungus in the body. This device requires no effort on your part. All you have to do is put your feet on it and let it do the work of detoxing the body for you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Let It Snow! The Beauty of Winter

Time is moving faster now it seems and people close to me are in their 'retirement' years.  Although I've never thought of 'retirement' I have changed how I think about 'work' in general.  For 30 years I had to consider my day and how to make it profitable by working for corporations which meant long drives into the nearest big city because that was where the money was.  What did I know about money?  You worked long hours for it.  That was a way of thinking that I was born into. 

Recently, within the last few years I have come to understand that you can make money without having to work long hours for it.  And you don't have to work hard for money.  Working at home has taught me that you can do anything you want and get paid for it, all you have to do is focus on what it is you want to do. 

So over 12 years ago I began to think about 'retirement' or, should I say, "non-retirement" and began to think about what would be a good way to spend my time during my 'winter' years.  I thought long and hard about what I loved learning and doing and set myself into work that I can live with.  I don't have a 'boss' except me, and my time is my own.  After working for corporations for 30 years where you had to be somewhere at a certain time and work so many hours a day, then be 'allowed' to leave....I knew I needed to do something that allowed me freedom from impending time clocks and regimented breaks.  How much like jail we live and never consider that there is another way of living.

For many years I dreaded winter.  The long nights meant never seeing daylight because you got up to go to work in the dark and came home in the dark; the driving to and from work in traffic jams that added hours to driving time, the shoveling of driveways and scraping off cars; standing in the cold to put gas in the tank; putting on heavy coats and scarves and boots and gloves; slipping and sliding on icy roadways.  All of this was what made me dread winter.

All that changed when I came home to work.  I realized that I never had the time to appreciate the beauty and the quiet that accompanies a blanket of pristine, powdery white snow.  The beauty that is winter takes on new meaning when you can take the time to appreciate its icy wonders: it's the only time of year that lets you see who and what is walking around your yard.  Birds, deer, cats (some big cats!), coyote and ground hogs that are supposed to be hibernating all make their way through the yard. 

There's nothing like walking in falling snow.  It's so quiet.  You don't hear any sounds at all but the sound your feet make when you walk.  Snow hitting your face is like tiny ice crystals that melt on contact.  I love walking in falling snow more than at any other time of year.  I'm not sure what it is, but there is just something about a winter walk.  Maybe it is that it makes me feel like a kid again when I used to roam the woods in deep snow up to my knees.

In the stories I would hear from Pa'Ris'Ha when she spoke of the changes of seasons she would say that the old ones knew that winter was a time of contemplation, of going inward and connecting with the self.  Stories would be told around campfires as the whole village would gather in one meeting place.  I could imagine they would gather together for warmth and tell stories so they wouldn't have just the howling winds to listen to.  What else did they have other than story tellers?  There were no Wii's and X Boxes, no TV with Dancing With The Stars or sit-coms.  The storytellers were valued and treasured members of the village who told tales of real life or mythical magical events from ages long ago.  Stories capable of holding the attention and imaginations of everyone and keeping them on the edge of their seats or comedies that invoked deep belly laughs were akin to our TV sets and what they mean to us.  Imagine your life without your entertainment center.  Everyone needs a good story.

Another thing I love about winter is sitting by a cozy fire wrapped up in a blanket and sharing the day with family or loved ones.  There's nothing cozier than a fire in the grate and the smell of wood burning and the warmth it gives off.

Finally, after so many years, I am living the way life was meant to be lived.  I work when I want and as long as I want.  I love doing something meaningful and purposeful in life and all the variants that come with what I do.  I love getting out of bed in the morning and being able to take my day as it comes with all the people that I meet who grace my doorstep.  I take the time for dreaming and introspection as I sit at a window and look at scenes that are often so cold that you can see a bluish cast over the landscape.  You know it's cold when you see the color of ice in the air!  At this stage of life, my 'winter' years, I finally have made the time to take the time to appreciate the seasons, in particular, Winter.  I never should have waited so long to make the discovery of your quiet and serenity, your beauty and joy.  My 'lost' season.  How I appreciate you!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Energy Medicine For The 21st Century – The E-Power

Working in the healing arts for many years prompted me to find solutions to make detoxing the body easy. People work too much as it is, they certainly don’t want to work hard when it comes to detoxing their bodies.

Well, a few years ago someone contacted me with information on how to detox with no effort whatsoever. I was more than thrilled. An EASY way to detox? Finally! And who better than the Japanese to discover how to put a device together that generates and transmits energy the way QiGong Masters would generate and transmit. This is exciting. I went online to investigate and saw that all you have to do is put a belt around your waste and sit or lie down. I use it when I go to bed for about 2 hours. That is all my body can take. I’m crazy with energy if I do more than that and I feel the effects for a week afterward.

So I immediately ordered and began to use these incredible no maintenance, no work on my part detox devices, two of which are approved by the FDA for increasing oxygen in the body. There is even a DVD that shows what happens to the blood before and after using the devices.

There are four devices and each one does something a little different. The focus for this article is a negative potential device known as the E-Power. This is a great tool for balancing pH and generating energy (ATP) in the cells which increases immune function. From using it with my patients I’ve learned how fast it can decrease pain in any area of the body. Whenever the pH is balanced you have an almost immediate decrease in pain and an ‘uptake’ of calcium.

What that means: when the body is alkaline it doesn’t need to pull from its sodium or calcium reserve to balance acids. When the body runs out of natural sodium to balance acid it pulls from the calcium reserve as a secondary buffer. Calcium was never meant to buffer acids in the body so it is a secondary source of the buffer system of the body. Many people lose calcium when their gallbladder is taken out. The gallbladder is the storage of natural sodium/cholesterol in the body. So without a gallbladder the body no longer has access to natural sodium as a buffer for acids and it pulls calcium instead. This is the beginning of osteopenia/osteoporosis.

Balancing pH means the body doesn’t have to pull sodium or calcium to buffer acids in the body.

But wait - there's more!

Healthy cells need a balance of negative ions on the inside of the cell and positive ions surrounding the cell. If the cell has too much positive potential within the cell, it cannot absorb nutrients or Oxygen and water cannot get into the cell; waste and Carbon Dioxide cannot get out of the cell and the inside of the cell may get too much sodium and hydrogen. Perhaps due to pollution from the outside world we live in and/or poor dietary habits the cells become imbalanced and lose their electrical potential. When that happens we have decreased energy and immunity.

Negative Potential Energy (NPE) is Energy For Rest. Combine NPE with High Frequency Energy and you get more ATP, energy. Negative Potential Energy with high frequency balances cellular function, meaning it balances pH. When you have a balanced pH your body has more energy, less or no pain, and greater immunity.

Since there are 15 – 90 millivoltages in a cell membrane and approximately sixty trillion cells in the whole body, the total electric potential is a very considerable number.

In addition, the electric potential in the human body decreases with age, and the reduction of electric potential may cause illnesses. Now, there is an easy way to increase your electric potential and raise your immunity while balancing your pH.

What does all of this mean?

There are many benefits to a balanced cellular function. Some of them are:

• Increased Cell Membrane Voltage which activates the sodium/potassium pump allowing improvement of oxygen levels, increased vitality, cell function, nerve regeneration and a balanced pH

• Improvement of Blood Circulation due to vasodilation allowing: Capillaries to receive more oxygen (up to 30% by a study – Pargon 1967, Peraira 1967), a Reduction of blood flow resistance returning to the heart, may lower Blood Pressure, may increase Detoxification of the body, may accelerate healing of wounds, may increase mental performance, focus and concentration

• Release of Calcium by increasing metabolism, balance Cortisol and Adrenalin thereby relieving stress, better balance of insulin, balance of Nerve Function, Activates Macrophages and T Cell (Study-Carson 1990), balances back, muscle and spinal column therapy.

• As we age the Piezoelectric effects increase bone tissue, helping to have stronger bones; as we age the bones resist PTH from the parathyroid gland to make more bone-forming cells. Negative fields may increase this function.

• Shortens recovery & repair time for athletes and disability

• Pain relief; interrupting transmission of pain stimulus to the brain and relieving muscle tension, leg cramps and spasm

• Improves the function of the Stomach and Intestines through: balancing digestive activity, increasing metabolism, increased weight loss and building muscle mass

• Increases Collagen by: stimulating fibroblasts, increases the activity of connective tissue cells and Nerve and Skin regeneration

The positive experiences of using Negative Potential on my clients are becoming more and more evident. Many of the people using NP energy are thrilled that their aches and pains are diminishing and their energy levels are increasing. You may want to go to my website and click on the ChiDVD energy medicine link to read more about this amazing medical device, The E-Power.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lupus and Detox

Many years ago I took seriously something my Elder, Grandmother Parisha, said.  She said, "Learn all you can about the human body."  It was the 1990's and I've always wanted to learn healing, having studied some aspect of it for most of my life.

It was in the '90's that this body of mine developed something called Lupus.  I was in pain in all of my joints and muscles.  I hurt everywhere.  If I went out into the sun I had to be completely covered because I would break out in a rash all over.  Whenever I went to the beach you could pick me out of a crowd because I was covered in light gauzy material from shoulders to feet with a wide brimmed hat on my head.  No problem finding me!

When I'd had enough of hurting I decided to do something about it.  I began to detox my liver with liver flushes and I took large amounts of trace minerals and vitamins and good oils such as flax and vitamin E.  I had massage almost every week and was doing many sacred rock lodges also known as 'sweat' lodges. 

All of this took time and money but I was focused and intent on getting my body out of this deficient condition.  I learned about pH balancing and worked with it until I knew how to bring my body out of any circumstance where viruses were concerned. 

Viruses need something to feed on and as long as you supply what it eats, it will stay.  Take away it's food, and the virus will leave.  I found many ways to stop feeding viruses and found out how to stop them before they became too strong and took hold of my body.  Essential oils play a big role in eradicating viruses.

Within two years my body was free of Lupus.  No pain in muscles or joints and all the energy I need to make it through a long day.  It took me a few years to right all the wrongs of diet with detox and replacing minerals.  I had been on steroids for thyroiditis in 1992.  Steroids (prednizone) depletes vitamins and minerals leaching them out of the body.  There is a steroid cleanse in the Article base on my website.  If you've been on steroids you may want to consider this cleanse.

Then, about 2 years ago, I was contacted through my website,, by a woman who told me about Far Infrared and Negative Potential.  I immediately began learning about the four medical devices for detoxing and oxygenating the body.  Had I had access to these wonderful healing medical devices I could have saved a lot of time and money.  I use them all at one time or another during my week with people who come in with pain and other physical ailments.  People who can't ever get warm along with the elderly love the Far Infrared dome (HotHouse) because they can use it for many hours and it warms them from the inside, meaning that it raises their metabolism and heats them up from inside the body.  With the HotHouse you can sleep under it, which I often do, and the thing about it is that it will take you into what is called a 'healing crisis' within 2 hours after you begin to use it. 

A Healing Crisis happens when the body begins to throw off toxins and you may feel uncomfortable for weeks while that is happening.  But with the HotHouse you can do it in as little time as 2 hours.  It blows my mind!  There are articles under the Chi DVD link on all the devices and, if you're interested, under the HotHouse there are research materials that suggest that Far Infrared therapy is too hot for cancer.  Very interesting information.  Anyway, there is much to be written on each of the healing devices.  Look for the next blog on Negative Potential.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Here I Come To Save The Day

Walk into my house at any particular point in time and you may trip over doggy toys while the dogs are running around your feet trying to pull on pants or skirt.  While my house is clean, the dogs are like little children who don't pick up after themselves.

I never thought I would have one dog let alone two.  The way it got around to this arrangement went something like this.

About 4 years ago my man Ed decided he was going to stop drinking for health reasons.  Good enough.  But I was concerned about the way he was going about it.  Keep in mind, this is after 44 years of drinking and smoking.  One day, he walked up to me and said, "I don't want a fuss about it but I just decided to stop drinking beer.  When I did, the cigarettes didn't taste so good so I stopped smoking and coffee, too". 

This came from a man who would put away a case of beer in a day and a half while smoking his menthols one after another.

All I could do was freeze, eyes wide, mouth dropping open and think, "there goes my Eddie".

Well, there went my Eddie.  Within a week he was a basket case.  I told him he was worse than a woman who was always menstruating.  I had no idea what he was going through but I wished he would go through it with help, like AA.  He wouldn't hear of it.

Many people said it was GREAT that he was doing this.  I didn't think so.  While Ed drank he was the sweetest, most laid-back, helpful, fun, hard-working man I ever laid eyes on. 

All that changed when he stopped drinking.  Sure it was good for his health.  He began working out for about 4 hours daily which was really good but I realized that he just traded obsessions.  He went from drinking to working out, and something else happened.  He became the meanest, cruelest, empty, non-talkative shell of a man.  He dropped all of his old friends in such a short time that we all just stood around wondering what the heck happened to him.  By this time I was literally begging him to get some help.  He never did.  He said it wasn't about me or anyone else, he just didn't know how to 'get back'. 

I knew what he was talking about.  His 'heart' had closed completely and he couldn't feel anything.  It worried him.  All the years of covering up the tremendous hurt he harbored from a lifetime of hurt came bubbling to the surface when he no longer had the alcohol to cover it up but now he didn't know how to handle that hurt.  His heart was closed and nothing was working to open it again.

After living with Ed for 3 years with him in this 'closed, empty, dead man walking' state, it began to wear me down.  I went to a Sun Ceremony and Grandmother Parisha asked me how I was doing.  I told her about Ed and she said, 'why do you stay?'  I just looked at her and told her that I couldn't leave someone who hurt that much.  She just looked at me and didn't say anything but I knew she understood.

Within the month I had this voice in my head telling me to 'get a dog'.  The conversation went like this:
Voice in head:  "Get a Dog"
Me responding:  "I don't want a dog"
Voice in head: "Get a Dog"
Me: "I don't want a dog"
Voice in head: "Get a Dog"
Me: "Too much work"
Voice in head: "Get a Dog"
Me:  "I don't have time for a dog"
Voice in head: "Get a Dog"
Me:  If I'm supposed to have a dog it will just walk up to my door!"
Voice in head:  "Get a Dog"

The voice in my head was Grandmother and I knew it and I kept up with the denials that I could ever have a dog while she just kept up with the fact that I could use a dog.  This 'conversation' kept up until I began, against my will and 'better' judgement to begin looking for a dog.  The comedy of the situation would later make me laugh.

When I finally got a dog it was a little 2 lb. puppy, the smallest I could find but the cutest little thing in the form of a Yorkie/Poo whom I named Romeo.  I figured that men had let me down so I'd just revert to living with a four-legged Romeo and he fits his name.  He is a little lover.

My daughter couldn't believe I got a dog so she packed up her son Ian who was 6 months old at the time and brought him down to see the little thing.

We were all in the family room, laughing to tears at the antics of the puppy and my grandchild when Ed walked into the room from his self-imposed exile in the living room to see what all the ruckus was about.  He asked 'what's going on?'  Then when he saw the puppy, he said, "is that a dog?"  I said it was.  He then said, "whose dog is it?"  I said, "it's mine".  He turned away and I heard him complaining under his breath and every other word was "PUPPY!"  He was angry.

Until the next day when the little two-pounder looked up at his 6' frame and the man's heart melted.  It took the puppy all of two minutes to capture the man's heart and pull it back out of the void it had been lost in.  Ed was smitten with little Romeo.  Over the course of the last year the man has come to worship little Romeo and Romeo is certainly Ed's dog.  It was hysterical the amount of love and attention that went into this little four-legged fur-ball by this tall, imposing character that I live with.  We both agreed to get little Romeo another dog for him to play with so I went out and got Valentino, half brother to Romeo.  They are an absolute joy and Ed actually laughs a lot these days. 

When I spoke with Grandmother I said I had heard and she said, "yes, all is well". 

Thank you Grandmother Parisha.  You knew that only a dog could have done for this man what this little one did for Ed.  Your wisdom saved this man's life and brought him back from the underworld.  I thank you with all my heart.

The Eyes Have it

Our eyes are a phenomenal sense organ.  We not only see with our eyes but we feel our environment and, although it sounds funny, we 'hear' with our eyes.  Our eyes sense things they can and cannot see. 

Our eyes can also tell us what is wrong with us, sort of 'windows' into our body.

Many years ago a very concerned mother of a 12 year-old boy came to see me.  He had such terrible headaches that he had been out of school for a whole year.  No one could find what was causing his headaches.  The way it sounded, she had been to every doctor in every hospital and no one could tell her what was wrong with her son.  She was a researcher in a medical facility and up until this episode with her son, had thought the sun rose and set on the Western Medical Model.  At this point she was so frustrated that she just cried.

I knew it took a lot for her to be sitting there with me.  She was desperate and at the end of her rope, so to speak.  Generally, I'm the last resort for people who can't find the answers through the established medical route.  A doctor at the University Hospital told her to come see me.  I told her I would do my best and asked if she had ever heard of Iridology.  She said she hadn't.

I explained that Iridology was a science of reading the iris of the eye to see what type of constitution the body had, what inherent strengths and weaknesses and what degeneration was going on in the body and that, until the advent of the pharmaceutical companies, had been used to discern what was happening in the body by medical professionals.  Once the drug companies took over the science of Iridology went by the proverbial way-side.

I then looked into the eyes of her son and, through them, saw into his physical body.  He had the most beautiful 'baby blues', clear, well defined, good and strong constitution.  There was not a thing wrong with his physical body.  I then told his mother to check her environment.

She left and I didn't hear from her again until about 2 months later.  At that time she happened to be standing in my reception room and when I went out to greet her, she grabbed me and gave me a bear hug. 

"Thank you!  I can't Thank You enough!  I searched the whole house and moved chemical cleaners away from his room and thought I'd checked everything.  Then something told me to have the gas company come out and when they did they had a pipe coupling fall right into their hands.  That breech in the gas pipe was right under my son's room, in the garage.  The whole house could have blown up!  My husband was getting headaches at the opposite side of the house....he works at home!  My son has been without headaches ever since....I can't thank you enough.  No one else was able to pick up that it was not his problem but was in the environment.  I am sold on this Iridology!"

We laughed and talked about how well her son was doing now that he was back in school.

Friday, December 3, 2010

More on Natural Stomach Remedies

Many years ago a group of people sat at the feet of a medicine woman of the old ways by the name of Grandmother Parisha.  We were all asked to have an 'experience' with our food so each of us sat with a plate and began to chew.  Chewing alkalinizes food and makes the enzymes from saliva necessary to break it down.  We were asked not to speak or have any conversation and to just 'be' with our food.  Normally, we don't pay attention to how food feels when it touches the tongue.  But if we would just 'be' with food when we eat, we are able to feel immediately if we have an allergic reaction to the food the moment it touches the tongue. 

As I looked around the group everyone was so intent on chewing, it looked to me like what it must have looked like at the Last Supper.  Everyone so solemn, so intent on the task at hand.  Secretly, I was laughing my ample behind off.  But the lesson wasn't lost on me.  I just like laughter and try to get as much of it in during my day as I possibly can.  At my age, my stomach is still in fairly good shape and I owe that to the fact that I enjoy my day and don't stress too much about all the various things that life can throw my way.

What we also learned at that teaching was what to do when your stomach is so out of balance that it becomes life threatening.

A few years ago a lovely woman called me from Florida and said she was dying.  "My stomach has been a mess for many years and now the doctors have taken me off all stomach medication and don't know what to do for me. I can't eat anything at all.  I'm literally starving to death." 

I thanked Grandmother at that moment and furiously began opening the drawers of memory banks to pull out the info she had given us that day.  I took a moment to find the memory and then I gave this woman the information that eventually saved her life.

Grandmother had taught us to remember the Four Sacred Foods that would restore health and balance to any imbalance of the stomach.  From what I could remember, she said that the Four Sacred Foods were corn, rice, squash and beans.  These were the original foods and that they would save a life when all else failed.

Within 2 weeks, this lady called me and said she was on her way back to health.  She had begun immediately to eat only these foods, in any way they could be fixed without frying.  She had begun with the squash (sweet potatoes included) and her stomach felt good.  The squash soothed her stomach and she had no problem with rice (brown rice is best because it has a balanced pH) or green beans.  She was gaining her strength back and she was feeling better day by day.  I saw her about 6 months later and she was fully recovered.

Natural Stomach Remedies

One day someone called and asked me what information I could give them for their stomach problem.

There are many reasons for stomach problems.  One thing I always ask people to check is their pH.  Checking pH of saliva lets you know if you have problems with over-alkalinity or over-acidity which exhibit the same or similar symptoms of 'acid' reflux. However, fixing an over-alkaline stomach is not the same as fixing an over-acid stomach so it is important to know what you are working with.  One can always check their pH with pH strips from a drug store or go on line to order them.

One thing I always like to start with is something called Stomach Comfort.  Instead of just working to balance the 'acid' in the stomach, Stomach Comfort balances an over-acid or over-alkaline condition so it may be used for both.  Tums only works at balancing an acid stomach.  How do you know if you're over acid or over alkaline?  You don't unless you take your pH.  Stomach Comfort tablets are good tasting, chewable tablets that act quickly to restore balance to the stomach.

If you suspect that Heliobacter pylori, a type of parasitic bacteria in the stomach lining, is responsible for your stomach problems, then you may want to know about Gastro-Health which kills the H.Pylori bacteria, restoring the stomach to health.  Gastro-Health is also good for nausea and that overall 'sick' stomach feeling.  Gastro-Health contains DGLE (a form of licorice extract), Pau D'Arco Bark concentrate, Clove Flower Concentrate, Inula Racemosa Root Extract and Capsicum fruit.  Much to be said for Capsicum when there is bleeding in the stomach.  Capsicum is one of those herbs that you don't feel when you need it, but when you don't need it, you'll definitely feel it!

Another remedy for 'acid' stomach is lemon juice.  Lemon juice is highly acidic in the stomach but it makes the blood alkaline.  It takes a lot of acid to break down meat proteins and, in general, people with blood types A, B, and AB don't have enough hydrochloric acid to break these meat proteins down. Vinegar does not break meat proteins down but lemon juice does and it will make an alkaline stomach more acid.  Squeeze lemon on fish and pork to help break down the proteins and help digestion.  Vinegar will make an acid stomach more alkaline, note the opposite with lemon.

How we eat our food is very important.  Never drink liquids with your meals.  Saliva in the mouth is the only liquid needed for digestion.  The idea is to chew, chew, chew the food.  Chewing makes enzymes that break down food which makes a body alkaline, no matter if the food that you are eating is acid.  The more you chew, the more alkaline any food becomes.  Most fruit (citrus is the exception) and vegetables (those grown above the ground) are alkaline and we should be eating a lot of these alkaline fruits and vegetables (although not together) to maintain a pH in the body of 80% alkaline and 20% acid.  We get into problems when we eat 80% acid foods and 20% alkaline foods.  How can a body maintain the 80/20 alkaline/acid balance when we eat the opposite way?  So chewing each mouthful of food would eliminate stomach upset all by itself.  The problem is we're in too much of a hurry, so slow down when you eat.  Eat slowly, in a restful atmosphere, if possible, because the stomach shuts down when we are in fight or flight stressful situations.