One day someone called and asked me what information I could give them for their stomach problem.
There are many reasons for stomach problems. One thing I always ask people to check is their pH. Checking pH of saliva lets you know if you have problems with over-alkalinity or over-acidity which exhibit the same or similar symptoms of 'acid' reflux. However, fixing an over-alkaline stomach is not the same as fixing an over-acid stomach so it is important to know what you are working with. One can always check their pH with pH strips from a drug store or go on line to order them.
One thing I always like to start with is something called Stomach Comfort. Instead of just working to balance the 'acid' in the stomach, Stomach Comfort balances an over-acid or over-alkaline condition so it may be used for both. Tums only works at balancing an acid stomach. How do you know if you're over acid or over alkaline? You don't unless you take your pH. Stomach Comfort tablets are good tasting, chewable tablets that act quickly to restore balance to the stomach.
If you suspect that Heliobacter pylori, a type of parasitic bacteria in the stomach lining, is responsible for your stomach problems, then you may want to know about Gastro-Health which kills the H.Pylori bacteria, restoring the stomach to health. Gastro-Health is also good for nausea and that overall 'sick' stomach feeling. Gastro-Health contains DGLE (a form of licorice extract), Pau D'Arco Bark concentrate, Clove Flower Concentrate, Inula Racemosa Root Extract and Capsicum fruit. Much to be said for Capsicum when there is bleeding in the stomach. Capsicum is one of those herbs that you don't feel when you need it, but when you don't need it, you'll definitely feel it!
Another remedy for 'acid' stomach is lemon juice. Lemon juice is highly acidic in the stomach but it makes the blood alkaline. It takes a lot of acid to break down meat proteins and, in general, people with blood types A, B, and AB don't have enough hydrochloric acid to break these meat proteins down. Vinegar does not break meat proteins down but lemon juice does and it will make an alkaline stomach more acid. Squeeze lemon on fish and pork to help break down the proteins and help digestion. Vinegar will make an acid stomach more alkaline, note the opposite with lemon.
How we eat our food is very important. Never drink liquids with your meals. Saliva in the mouth is the only liquid needed for digestion. The idea is to chew, chew, chew the food. Chewing makes enzymes that break down food which makes a body alkaline, no matter if the food that you are eating is acid. The more you chew, the more alkaline any food becomes. Most fruit (citrus is the exception) and vegetables (those grown above the ground) are alkaline and we should be eating a lot of these alkaline fruits and vegetables (although not together) to maintain a pH in the body of 80% alkaline and 20% acid. We get into problems when we eat 80% acid foods and 20% alkaline foods. How can a body maintain the 80/20 alkaline/acid balance when we eat the opposite way? So chewing each mouthful of food would eliminate stomach upset all by itself. The problem is we're in too much of a hurry, so slow down when you eat. Eat slowly, in a restful atmosphere, if possible, because the stomach shuts down when we are in fight or flight stressful situations.
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