Intuition and Natural Medicine
Eckhart Tolle, in "Realizing the Power of Now", states: "Be at least as interested in what goes on inside you as what happens outside. If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place."
Subtle energy exists all around us. If you know what is happening inside yourself, if you can hear your subtle tones and feel the strength of your own processes in the form of color and vibration, texture and depth of energy, then you are in the stillness of mind that matters.
A recent experience with an illness helped me to ‘tune-in’ to my inner-self, emotionally and physically, and helped me to bring it to a rapid balance. Having dealt with illness in one form or another all of my life has taught me how to intuit what is happening in my body. My life-long study of natural ways to heal has helped me enormously when I have needed to bring myself out of both chronic and acute illnesses. Normally for me, a bout of bronchitis will last about six weeks. In the past, I would have worked to balance bronchitis with herbs and vitamins and in doing so would be comfortable and sleep soundly by taking the herbs that warm the system and clear the lungs. In the years when I was plagued with chronic bronchitis I had to learn how to survive without symptoms so that I could rest and not miss any work. Over time, I became very proficient at healing my lung problems with herbs.
Recently I made up my mind that I don't have that kind of time, nor do I care to devote that much energy to a chronic condition.
So when my nose plugged up so much that it sounded as though I had a clothes pin attached to it and the drainage coursed down my throat and into my chest causing bronchitis bordering on pneumonia, I decided to take clear and concise action. Anything lasting longer than two days, in my account, is a sign that there is a deficiency present or a lack of assimilation of nutrients caused by blockage or excess in the system.
From my training in Naturopathy I had learned that sinus drainage, especially with a headache in the top, front, and back of the head, comes from something known as a "leaky" pituitary. The pituitary gland is the Master gland in that it regulates all the other glandular secretions of the body. Muscle testing this gland showed it to be weak along with an energetic drain on the liver. Starting with the Pituitary--Three nutrients in particular will wake up the pituitary gland and start it working again. They are Vitamin E in a heavy dose such as 2000 I.U.’s, Vitamin B-Complex or L-Ornithine, an amino acid. Taking one of those nutrients immediately stopped the headache which had been almost blinding. The nutrient action had also caused a pleasant buzzing in my head and a warmth throughout my body as the pituitary was once again active. Along with that, the leakiness subsided meaning that my sinuses stopped draining like a leaky faucet to a small drip. Still, the relief was immediately felt and I addressed the liver. To get the liver moving is easy. One drop on the tongue of Lavender essential oil will get the liver moving again. Essential oils are extremely potent so no more than one drop at a time please. Then, I began to work on the cough which I was able to stop with some things from my spice cabinet. The herbs I used were ginger and cayenne pepper, which add heat to a cold environment, thus bringing my cough to an immediate balance. This enabled me to sleep soundly through the night. To eliminate the cough altogether was another matter.
The word “cold”, as in, “I have a ‘cold’, means that the body is in an acid pH. The pH of the body should be between 6.4 and 6.8 to be in optimal health. When the pH falls below 6.4 the body becomes too acidic or ‘cold’. The energy moves too fast when it is acid and many times diarrhea is present. On the other hand, a pH over 6.8 tells you that your body is getting too warm or has too much heat. The energy moves slowly and constipation may result.
The concept of healing all of this came to me in a flash. My intuitive knowing told me that my stomach was out of balance and that, in order to bring my body back to health it would be necessary to fast for three days, bringing my body to a natural place of stillness so the organs of digestion would have time to reset themselves, so to speak. This, in Cranio-Sacral terms, is called a "still point". So, for three days I stopped eating food and only drank lemon juice from fresh lemons in pure water, with pure grade B Maple syrup to sweeten the lemon. Pure grade B Maple syrup has vitamins and minerals in it so your body isn’t missing the nutrients that would normally provide those vitamins and minerals. I took only one capsule of Cayenne (red) pepper in the morning along with the drink each day. Cayenne pepper is the highest source of Vitamin C and it also breaks up stagnant energy and warms the body which is needed when the body is in a ‘cold’ condition.
I wasn’t hungry at all without food. The drink itself dispelled my appetite. It took me three days of drinking the lemon/maple syrup water to balance my stomach, after which the cough completely vanished, just melted away. No more ‘cold’, cough or headache. Total time it took me to get rid of it was 6 days. Everyone around me had the same thing and it lasted over 6 weeks for many.
On an emotional level, grief and sadness affect the lungs by weakening them. I had been through a particularly sad experience throughout the year and just couldn’t let it go. As a result of holding the emotion of sadness too long, my lungs were weakened and the imbalance manifested as bronchial-pneumonia. Realizing this helped me to understand how I was holding energy and enabled me to adjust my thinking which was affecting my physical reality. Along that line of thinking, tears withheld may have their vibrational equivalent to sinus drainage. Crying happens whether we want it to or not. Our physical bodies respond with intelligence to our emotions and thoughts, creating our reality.
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