Imagine your life was exactly the way you envisioned it. Wait. You don't envision your life the way you want it to be? You just take what is given and maybe complain about what you've got?
Well no wonder we need Grandmother PaRisHa, Bob Proctor and John Assaraf.
In case you don't know it, Bob Proctor and John Assaraf are motivational coaches and Grandmother PaRisHa is, well, many things: teacher, mentor, coach, spiritual guidance instructor, Medicine woman, Elder.
The point is that your life may not be what you want it to be because you don't plan it. All three people mentioned above talk about 'visioning' a life that appeals to you and then planning it and making it happen. That takes Focus. That takes Intent. Both focus and intent mean you know what you want and have a direction in which to move. As Bob Proctor says, "the Universe gives you exactly what you plan for. But without a plan you just have to take what the Universe throws your way. Maybe it's what you want and maybe it isn't." This happens because there is no focus of energy. This happens because there is no statement of intent.
Years ago I made a plan to give up smoking. I never smoked much, maybe 3 cigarettes a day but I was still addicted to those 3 cigarettes. I loved to smoke them and looked forward to the time of day when I could just relax with a cigarette or 3. I knew that I wanted to stop smoking altogether and so I planned for the day that would happen.
I wrote down the date about 3 months away that I would be able to pick up a cigarette, look at it and just not want it anymore. That was my intent. I focused my intent daily just one time in the morning when I woke up and just knew that by the specified date I would be able to say I had quit smoking.
Three months later I wasn't ready to quit but that didn't stop me from re-focusing my intent on another date which I again wrote down. By the second date I was rewarded. I picked up a cigarette and absolutely did not want it. I put it down and have never looked at a cigarette again nor have I had any desire or craving to smoke.
That took focus and intent. I had a plan and I followed it. I have been smoke free and my life without cigarettes is great.
Whenever I feel I want something, want to do something, need something in my life or whatever; I plan a course of action. I intend it and focus on it. I know that I can have anything, do anything, be anything as long as my consciousness allows for it. I keep growing and expanding in thought and awareness. This is important because it is a lack of awareness that keeps us from thinking big thoughts and dreaming big dreams. Some people are born with an expanded awareness. Others have to grow into it.
Planning life is an adventure in trust and optimism. Learning how to focus and intend a goal draws circumstances to us like the laser light on a pen focuses it's light in one spot. There are so many options to choose from, but unless you focus and intend what it is that you want you may never have anything because there is no plan to pick out of the ethers. Without a plan, it's all just a jumble that you have to sort through and take what comes your way.
Expanded thought, awareness, plan, focus, intent, action. All of these equal Results.
Write out your goal(s), make them big! Then intend how you want them to manifest, focus, plan and take the action to bring them about.
Watch what happens when you begin to learn to use your creativity. There is nothing you can't do or have!
Happy New Year!
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