Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Eyes Have it

Our eyes are a phenomenal sense organ.  We not only see with our eyes but we feel our environment and, although it sounds funny, we 'hear' with our eyes.  Our eyes sense things they can and cannot see. 

Our eyes can also tell us what is wrong with us, sort of 'windows' into our body.

Many years ago a very concerned mother of a 12 year-old boy came to see me.  He had such terrible headaches that he had been out of school for a whole year.  No one could find what was causing his headaches.  The way it sounded, she had been to every doctor in every hospital and no one could tell her what was wrong with her son.  She was a researcher in a medical facility and up until this episode with her son, had thought the sun rose and set on the Western Medical Model.  At this point she was so frustrated that she just cried.

I knew it took a lot for her to be sitting there with me.  She was desperate and at the end of her rope, so to speak.  Generally, I'm the last resort for people who can't find the answers through the established medical route.  A doctor at the University Hospital told her to come see me.  I told her I would do my best and asked if she had ever heard of Iridology.  She said she hadn't.

I explained that Iridology was a science of reading the iris of the eye to see what type of constitution the body had, what inherent strengths and weaknesses and what degeneration was going on in the body and that, until the advent of the pharmaceutical companies, had been used to discern what was happening in the body by medical professionals.  Once the drug companies took over the science of Iridology went by the proverbial way-side.

I then looked into the eyes of her son and, through them, saw into his physical body.  He had the most beautiful 'baby blues', clear, well defined, good and strong constitution.  There was not a thing wrong with his physical body.  I then told his mother to check her environment.

She left and I didn't hear from her again until about 2 months later.  At that time she happened to be standing in my reception room and when I went out to greet her, she grabbed me and gave me a bear hug. 

"Thank you!  I can't Thank You enough!  I searched the whole house and moved chemical cleaners away from his room and thought I'd checked everything.  Then something told me to have the gas company come out and when they did they had a pipe coupling fall right into their hands.  That breech in the gas pipe was right under my son's room, in the garage.  The whole house could have blown up!  My husband was getting headaches at the opposite side of the house....he works at home!  My son has been without headaches ever since....I can't thank you enough.  No one else was able to pick up that it was not his problem but was in the environment.  I am sold on this Iridology!"

We laughed and talked about how well her son was doing now that he was back in school.

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