Thursday, December 9, 2010

Energy Medicine For The 21st Century – The E-Power

Working in the healing arts for many years prompted me to find solutions to make detoxing the body easy. People work too much as it is, they certainly don’t want to work hard when it comes to detoxing their bodies.

Well, a few years ago someone contacted me with information on how to detox with no effort whatsoever. I was more than thrilled. An EASY way to detox? Finally! And who better than the Japanese to discover how to put a device together that generates and transmits energy the way QiGong Masters would generate and transmit. This is exciting. I went online to investigate and saw that all you have to do is put a belt around your waste and sit or lie down. I use it when I go to bed for about 2 hours. That is all my body can take. I’m crazy with energy if I do more than that and I feel the effects for a week afterward.

So I immediately ordered and began to use these incredible no maintenance, no work on my part detox devices, two of which are approved by the FDA for increasing oxygen in the body. There is even a DVD that shows what happens to the blood before and after using the devices.

There are four devices and each one does something a little different. The focus for this article is a negative potential device known as the E-Power. This is a great tool for balancing pH and generating energy (ATP) in the cells which increases immune function. From using it with my patients I’ve learned how fast it can decrease pain in any area of the body. Whenever the pH is balanced you have an almost immediate decrease in pain and an ‘uptake’ of calcium.

What that means: when the body is alkaline it doesn’t need to pull from its sodium or calcium reserve to balance acids. When the body runs out of natural sodium to balance acid it pulls from the calcium reserve as a secondary buffer. Calcium was never meant to buffer acids in the body so it is a secondary source of the buffer system of the body. Many people lose calcium when their gallbladder is taken out. The gallbladder is the storage of natural sodium/cholesterol in the body. So without a gallbladder the body no longer has access to natural sodium as a buffer for acids and it pulls calcium instead. This is the beginning of osteopenia/osteoporosis.

Balancing pH means the body doesn’t have to pull sodium or calcium to buffer acids in the body.

But wait - there's more!

Healthy cells need a balance of negative ions on the inside of the cell and positive ions surrounding the cell. If the cell has too much positive potential within the cell, it cannot absorb nutrients or Oxygen and water cannot get into the cell; waste and Carbon Dioxide cannot get out of the cell and the inside of the cell may get too much sodium and hydrogen. Perhaps due to pollution from the outside world we live in and/or poor dietary habits the cells become imbalanced and lose their electrical potential. When that happens we have decreased energy and immunity.

Negative Potential Energy (NPE) is Energy For Rest. Combine NPE with High Frequency Energy and you get more ATP, energy. Negative Potential Energy with high frequency balances cellular function, meaning it balances pH. When you have a balanced pH your body has more energy, less or no pain, and greater immunity.

Since there are 15 – 90 millivoltages in a cell membrane and approximately sixty trillion cells in the whole body, the total electric potential is a very considerable number.

In addition, the electric potential in the human body decreases with age, and the reduction of electric potential may cause illnesses. Now, there is an easy way to increase your electric potential and raise your immunity while balancing your pH.

What does all of this mean?

There are many benefits to a balanced cellular function. Some of them are:

• Increased Cell Membrane Voltage which activates the sodium/potassium pump allowing improvement of oxygen levels, increased vitality, cell function, nerve regeneration and a balanced pH

• Improvement of Blood Circulation due to vasodilation allowing: Capillaries to receive more oxygen (up to 30% by a study – Pargon 1967, Peraira 1967), a Reduction of blood flow resistance returning to the heart, may lower Blood Pressure, may increase Detoxification of the body, may accelerate healing of wounds, may increase mental performance, focus and concentration

• Release of Calcium by increasing metabolism, balance Cortisol and Adrenalin thereby relieving stress, better balance of insulin, balance of Nerve Function, Activates Macrophages and T Cell (Study-Carson 1990), balances back, muscle and spinal column therapy.

• As we age the Piezoelectric effects increase bone tissue, helping to have stronger bones; as we age the bones resist PTH from the parathyroid gland to make more bone-forming cells. Negative fields may increase this function.

• Shortens recovery & repair time for athletes and disability

• Pain relief; interrupting transmission of pain stimulus to the brain and relieving muscle tension, leg cramps and spasm

• Improves the function of the Stomach and Intestines through: balancing digestive activity, increasing metabolism, increased weight loss and building muscle mass

• Increases Collagen by: stimulating fibroblasts, increases the activity of connective tissue cells and Nerve and Skin regeneration

The positive experiences of using Negative Potential on my clients are becoming more and more evident. Many of the people using NP energy are thrilled that their aches and pains are diminishing and their energy levels are increasing. You may want to go to my website and click on the ChiDVD energy medicine link to read more about this amazing medical device, The E-Power.

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