Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Ever since "The Ordeal" has been over I find it difficult to listen to music with a lot of percussion or drumming. When I mentioned this to a friend she said, "well, that makes sense. Think about what your body has been through in the last few weeks. Didn't they pound the heck out of that stone in your kidney?" Yes! To the tune of hitting it 3,000 times with laser while it bounced around each time it was hit. I never thought of that. I couldn't figure out why most music I'm listening to these days is bothering my senses. I always listen to the regular stations that play rock or country. The country, most of it, wouldn't bother me but the rock, even some classic rock, would make me shudder. I would quickly turn it off. Makes me wonder if my body is still holding onto the experience of literally 'being rocked'. In any case, I can't tolerate drumming and percussion very well right now. And I'm going to a Sun Ceremony where drumming is all day long. I'll let you know how that works out.

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