Monday, August 16, 2010

Healing Genetic Bonds

Having been through divorce it was interesting to feel emotions that were attached to the solar plexus.  I'm talking literal here.  There was a point during my divorce that I 'felt' emotional attachments at the solar plexus and at the time I didn't know how to sever those attachments.  I remember wishing I had a knife that I could just cut through them.

I later learned that was exactly what I could have done.

Emotional attachments keep us tethered to family through our genetic bonds.  This means we may 'inherit' emotional and physical problems, genetically.  Working with my medicine teacher, Grandmother Parisha, I learned how to sever genetic bonds with a tool used to cut through invisible bonds at the solar plexus.  How much easier would my divorce have been had I known this information during that experience?  I guess I'll never know.

During the class Grandmother's students all went to work both in water (an inland lake) and on tables where we practiced the procedure on each other.

When my turn came to have my gentic bonds severed the tool being used was moved over my solar plexus.  As it did, I felt my invisible cords spring back to my body, somewhat akin to a strong, flexible wire being cut with a wire-cutter and bouncing back after being pulled and severed.  A feeling I'll never forget.  Although I couldn't see the cords, I felt them and that was enough for me.

When my cords had been severed, Grandmother Parisha looked at me and, seeing energy, said, "There was much to cut away on you, Merida".  I felt as though a very heavy load had been lifted off of me emotionally and physically.  I always believed I had made an unspoken agreement with my mother to help lift her emotional troubles.  Many of us do that without even knowing it on a conscious level.  We see a parent suffering and we want so badly to help them that we take on their emotional and physical problems.  Then we wonder why we experience the same 'family' diseases and illnesses. 

In my healing work I have witnessed several people who have willingly taken on the emotional stresses of their mothers (usually) or parent, and made those same stresses theirs.  When they could finally see what they had done, they were able to come to an agreement with their parent and consciously say, "this is not mine, I no longer wish to carry it for you", thereby breaking the agreement.  Once that agreement was broken, the person carrying the emotional baggage, or in some cases the physical ailment, was able to live life without the added encumbrance of someone else's troubles.  Life became easier for them  There is much research to suggest that emotions are the cause of physical ailments.  Once the emotions are cleared, the physical ailment disappears. 

Of course, there are people who feel they are strong enough to carry more than their share and continue to help a loved one in any way they can.

Healing With Foods

Natural Healing

I’ve found through the years that there are times when massage and chiropractics aren’t enough to alleviate certain discomfort or pain. When this is the case I look to problems within the organ systems which may be weak.

I recently journeyed down to another State to work with a doctor with a large practice. He taught me many things, one of which was this: when there is pain in the lower back and extremities you want to address the kidneys and the adrenals. Then he showed me a simple way to do that with food.

I give this information to people who have problems with pain that won’t respond to massage and chiropractics. I am often amazed at the responses I get. “I’ve been using the treatment and my feet felt better in practically no time at all”. Another said, “I can move my legs so much better, I can’t believe how this works.”

In trying this for myself this is what happened: I find that for a whole week I’m limping because my right foot hurts. Specifically, the area called the ball, just under the big toe. I can’t walk on it. It took me a whole week to notice and then one day I simply had the time to notice and I’m weirded out because it took me so long to address it. It started with pain into my right heel and ankle, again, something I paid very little attention to but made note of it. Well, that simple discomfort moved into my whole foot.

I remembered the remedy for the kidneys and the adrenals and ran a self-test using kinesiology. My left kidney and adrenal were weak. My right kidney and adrenal were ok. I then took the recommended remedy and waited to see how long it would take for me to feel something.

Within about 25 minutes my right ankle felt as though it were opening up, the feeling being that it was relaxing. Within that same amount of time my whole foot felt as though it had been released and the pain that caused me to ‘limp’ totally disappeared.

I knew that I was on to something here.

I’m often amazed at how the body responds to things we have in our cupboard or pantry. I’ve always used herbs and certain plants to work with healing and I’m always looking and open to other remedies. There are so many foods that heal and it is useful to know what they are. I remember simmering a certain stem that worked to alleviate my sinus problems. I’ve used something everyone throws away to help bladder issues.

The remedies I used for bringing my foot out of pain were in my refrigerator and pantry. Just learning a few simple ways to work with certain foods can save years of pain and discomfort. Of course, one should always rely on their doctor for advanced pain or pain that doesn’t go away, however, to learn about foods that heal is always a good idea.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why Wind In Her Hair?

The name of my business may seem unusual so I'll attempt an explanation of why I chose Wind In Her Hair.

When I was about five years old my mother looked outside and noted the clouds churning up into storm activity. She had wanted to get the garbage out to the big can in the garage so she, my older brother and sister, and myself went to the door with the garbage bag. The rain started pelting down and the wind started to gust. Mom said that it probably wasn't a good idea to go out right then as weather reports were predicting something about 'isolated' tornados. I didn't know what that meant and at that age, didn't care.  I had other ideas. I just knew I could make it out to the garage and back before it really started to storm.

I grabbed the bag before mom knew what was happening and ran as fast as my little legs could carry me to the garage and threw the bag into the can, then started back toward the house. I didn't get far.  The wind literally almost picked me up off my feet, stopping my run. I grabbed onto the fence that ran between the house and the garage and hung on for dear life! Right next to me the wind was spinning. Mom was yelling something about a tornado and "hang on!" She kept on yelling something but I couldn't hear her over the roar of the wind. My attention was drawn to the spinning shape next to me, so close that I felt I could reach out and touch it. I wasn't afraid of it, more curious. It seemed to dance around me in a friendly gesture, saying "hello". My hair was blowing all around my face and it felt wonderful. I felt wonderful. The energy surrounding me gave me a feeling of excitement - a sort of 'high' feeling. I watched as the 'baby' tornado played itself out right next to me and was sorry to see it go.

Jump forward in time about thirty years. I'm at home with my young daughter. It's summer and nice outside. We're in the kitchen of our home talking when voices in my head start telling me something is wrong. At this point in my life I have been working with a Cherokee woman of the old ways known as Grandmother Parisha for about one year. The voices in my head attest to the fact that she and the grandmothers are always with me. The voices are intense and don't want me to waste time because they keep telling me to "get out there" and "killer wind". I'm wondering just what I'm supposed to do "out there" which I supposed they meant out of doors, outside. The voices grow in intensity as I just sit there thinking I must be crazy, listening to voices in my head telling me to get "out there" and "killer wind". So I'm not moving very fast, thinking it will all go away.

It doesn't. It just gets louder and more intense. "Get out there! Killer wind!" It doesn't stop, just keeps getting louder, like they're nagging me so finally I shout, "Oh, alright!" and head for the door. My young daughter is looking at me strangely and, following me into the living room, looks outside and decides to stay by the window where she can watch me.

I arrive 'out there' and the wind is blowing in from the North.  It comes in a great gale force.  I'm facing west and watch as the trees bend from the force of the wind while some papers are blowing around with the dirt from the road. I think I have to 'do something' so I start the medicine dance I had been taught to do. As soon as I start to move my feet the wind feels different to me.

Then the most curious thing happens.

A little to the southwest, the wind gathers into what felt like a great wall and half of it splits off from the other half with one wall of wind staying in the south, as though it was intelligent and knew to just wait there, while the other half moved west, then north, then east all around me, completely circling me and my house. I felt the movement of the wind around me as though in the eye of a hurricane as I continued the medicine dance.  My daughter has long gone back into the house after watching her mother make a complete fool of herself by dancing on the patio so she didn't see or feel what was happening with the wind. I was the only one who could attest to what was happening. No one would ever believe it!

The half of the wind which split off from the other half had now completely circled around me and met the other half of the wind that had stayed in place in the south. When both winds came together, they moved off toward the south and all became still once again.

Grandmother Parisha had said that "Sometimes All We Have To Do Is Show Up."  She also said that the wind was 'intelligent' and one could listen to the wind for messages that it would bring.  She said, "If you know how to listen to the wind it will teach you."

I stayed glued to the radio and TV all day to find out if there was any mention of a strange wind that just blew in from out of nowhere. Finally, around 5 p.m. I heard a weather report of an unusual wind that hit southern Pennsylvania and took the lives of several people.

I had felt the wind that day and knew it to be intelligent.

I swear I have not made this up.

The wind is my totem. It directs and guides me. It is powerful and it is gentle. It blows through my hair and its gentle breeze is comforting. It is playful or it is fierce and frightening, much like life itself, and much like life itself...spirit moves. Maybe the wind is spirit talking.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Beyond Reflexology

I’ve heard a popular talk show host has recently been promoting something you may have heard about called “Reflexology”.

What exactly is Reflexology?   Reflexology is a science that deals with the principle that there are reflexes in the feet that correspond to all of the glands, organs, and body parts and that when these reflexes in the feet (and hands) are worked or massaged, it helps to relieve stress and tension and improve blood supply and circulation, thereby helping the body to balance itself.

When your body is out of balance, that imbalance may be felt first in the feet. Whether or not you know your feet hurt.

Case in point. J.M. came in for a massage. One of the first things she said to me was, “the only things that don’t hurt on my whole body are my feet!” I then went to her left foot and chose a point and pressed on it gently. She just about came off the table yelping with pain. She couldn’t believe that her foot could hurt that badly and why hadn’t she ever felt pain in her feet. She was too focused on the pain in her body to feel the pain in her feet. The feet will tell where you are having problems in your whole body. Listening to the body is not hard to do. We just don’t take the time to pay attention when the body starts talking. Problems in the body may be picked up intuitively. Intuition is something we all have but somewhere along the way into adulthood we lose our trust in our own intuitive potential. We focus more on the outer world than on our inner world. Medicine is a balance of outer and inner.

It is not to say you can diagnose illness and diseases from the feet. But the foot will let you know where your problems are. By gently massaging the feet you may feel so much better because the massage helps the reflex areas of the whole body. It “awakens” the reflexes into the organs and assists whole body functions.

Taking that one step further is something that developed over time, working on hundreds of feet, called Beyond Reflexology. This method of working the reflex areas of the foot goes beyond the reflex points to release the whole foot and ankle, which affects releases of the muscles throughout the legs and body. The feet are our foundation. A weakened foundation may upset the balance of the whole body. Working the reflex areas as well as release points enhances circulation, increasing energetic flow to all the various organs.

Thank you for getting the word out about Reflexology, Regis!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Let's Get Psychic-Kal

Kalahu is a friend of mine.  A very psychic friend.  She actually told me when my house would sell and to whom.  Really.  Described the dude to a T.  Happened just like she said it would, too.  And because she is so psychic she thinks I am, as evidenced by a call I got from her one day.  It went like this.

Somewhere in my house a phone is ringing....I answer it.

"Mer!  I lost my keys and you have to help me find them!  I think I may have thrown them in the dumpster by mistake!  I'm frantic!  I have to have those keys and you have to help me find them!"

"Geesh!  Calm am I supposed to help you find them?  Are you smokin' that wacky weed or something?" 

"Come on now, Mer, you can do this I know you can you have to help me I'm not getting off this phone until you help me find my keys!"

"What makes you think I can help you find your keys, I've never done anything like that before so what makes you think I can do it now?  You're the psychic, why can't you find your own keys?" 

"Because I just know you can do this and it doesn't work that way!  Now, come on....I have to have those keys!"

"OMG!  Stop nagging me and if you can just shut up for about a minute I'll see what I can do!"

"I'll need your address", I told her.  She gave me her address.  "I've never been to your apartment....don't know what I'll find.....I hope this works."

"It can do this.....I need those keys!"  she wailed

In the minutes of silence that followed I focused on Kal's address in my mind, and from my home, I went to hers and saw for the first time, her abode.  My mind was drawn to some empty canning jars on her kitchen sink and I said, "go to the canning jars on your kitchen sink". 

Kal said, "I just moved these jars here this morning".  And I heard her rustling around the sink and moving the empty jars.  She was talking the whole time, shattering the silence I had worked within.

All of a sudden she started screaming, "They're here!  Oh My God, the keys are here!  You found them!  I knew you could do it!!!!"

Stunned, I couldn't say anything for a moment.  Then, "wow, that was so easy!"

Kalahu started laughing.  "I'm so relieved!  I knew you could do it!  Thanks, Mer!"

What could I say, Kalahu had nagged me into using my psychic abilities in a way I wasn't used to using them.  It was just the beginning of what I would come to realize was quantum physics.....being in one place and in the blink of an eye, moving to another, folding space and time.

"Thanks for being such a nag, Kal".

"You're welcome, Mer!"

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ok, Where's Steven Spielberg?

It was July 4th and Kim, my neighbor, and I were hanging over the back fence shooting the breeze when I happened to look up. It was about 9:15 p.m. and the sky was still a beautiful clear blue with not a cloud to be seen. Except for the two clouds I had just spotted. There was something very strange about these clouds, which caused me to stop all conversation and just stare. My mouth was probably hanging open. Not a pretty picture. Kim happened to notice.

"What are you looking at?" she queried.

"Look at those two clouds and tell me what you see, 'cause I'm not really believing what I'm seeing." I told her.

She looked in the direction and immediately said, "Oh, my God", very quietly, very much...'I don't believe it either' type oh my god.....

I began to look all around us, turning in every direction and just looking everywhere. Again, Kim noticing, asked, "what are you looking for?"

"Not 'what', I replied. "Whom". I'm looking for Steven Freaking Spielberg."

"Oh, yeah....he may be around here somewhere".

If Steven had been around, he would have filmed two once animated, talkative women who had become speechless as we looked toward the North at the two clouds drifting slowly by and low, just over the pines at the end of the property line. One following the other in a slow, easy escapade moving West to East. There was no breeze whatsoever on the ground. No wind. No breeze. Two clouds, one following the other, holding their identical shapes. Both with lightening in them.

Fireworks were just beginning to be heard in all the directions. They seemed to be early this year. Normally people wait until it is almost dark to set them off, but this year they could be heard while it was still light. Fireworks couldn't have held our attention the way those two clouds did.

The 'clouds' never broke up as clouds do when there is movement. Being there were no other clouds in the sky, we tracked their movement until they were out of sight.

Still not believing what we had seen, we speculated on what they could be. Of course 'alien' ships came to mind but we were kind of afraid to go there. "What could that lightening be caused by?" I asked. Kim didn't know.

I've always wanted to write to Steven Spielberg to ask him if he were visiting Medina, Ohio on July 4th to do some filming....I just never got around to it.